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Why Do We Always Forget About This on the Path to Success?

Why Do We Always Forget About This on the Path to Success?

Let’s face it. We must remember about our self-care as we’re so busy caring for others. It’s easier to tell others how much we like or love them. If you have a child or a pet, you may be telling that to your pet a hundred times a day 🙂 When did you...
This is ONE OF THE MOST CRITICAL Numbers You Need to Know Now

This is ONE OF THE MOST CRITICAL Numbers You Need to Know Now

Let’s say you’ve decided to go on a diet and visit a friend’s house after work. The friend offers you a delicious piece of cake that was recently baked. It smells heavenly. You eat the cake, enjoying every morsel, and the next day you’re annoyed because you “shouldn’t...
Feeling Stuck? Here’s a Brand-New Process to Help You Quickly Move Forward

Feeling Stuck? Here’s a Brand-New Process to Help You Quickly Move Forward

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~ Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry”.                               This grounding quote is an excellent reminder that you will only reach your goal if you have a plan – not just any plan. It needs to be a realistic and...
Are You Making the Same Mistakes I Made During the Last Recession? Here’s What Not To Do.

Are You Making the Same Mistakes I Made During the Last Recession? Here’s What Not To Do.

It feels good to breathe. When I went through the last recession in 2008-2009, I was totally and completely     unprepared. I had a successful career as a Business Development Executive and, quite honestly, was making money faster than ever (and lots of it)! The...