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Are these the guarantees you’ve been looking for during this challenging time?

“Will I have a job?”

“Will I be safe?

“What if I lose my security?

“Will I be able to keep my family safe?

“Will I be able to keep my business going?

“What happens if I get sick?”

They are definitely some of the biggest concerns people are experiencing due to the pandemic. Many people are frightened, scared, frustrated, and even angry right now.

The truth is that no one can predict what the answers to these questions will be. There are specific industries that are more susceptible to bigger problems, such as hospitality and tourism. But even if you are in another industry, there’s no guarantee of what your future will bring. There never is.

As someone who has lived through 9/11, and as a former Senior Flight Attendant, I never would have thought in a million years that someone would have used my beloved workplace, “the airplane,” as a missile of destruction. But, they did.

I’ve made several career changes over the years. For 16 years, I was a very successful business development executive. The money was flowing so quickly that we couldn’t answer the phone fast enough from prospective clients. I also never thought I would see the economy tank the way it did in 2008. But, it did.

There is never a guarantee that what you are doing will be around forever. I had a client who was with a significant telecommunication company for 25 years before being laid off in 2009. She thought she would be with them until the day she retired. But, she wasn’t.

Here are my words of wisdom for you.

From the strategy side:

  • Continue to do your best job. Show up every day with the attitude that you will find a way to be of service and value to your employer and customers/clients.
  • Make sure you always have a “freedom” account. Many people call this an “emergency” account, but I prefer the word freedom because it gives me the time and space to make the best decisions instead of feeling frantic.

From the mindset side:

  • What I’ve learned over the years is that things happen. Some we can control, others we can’t. I can only be responsible for how I respond to the situation. I’d rather come from a place of power instead of being in victim mode.
  • Anything that can be solved with “money” is not a real problem. That’s what my grandfather taught me. I’ve learned over the years that I know how to make money, no matter what life gives me. You have that ability, too.
  • Lastly, it’s about learning to feel very grounded and believing you can keep yourself safe. This was a big lesson that my coaches were very instrumental in teaching me. Even now, with this wild and crazy pandemic, where we have no idea how long it will go on for and what it’s long-lasting effects will be, I know I am and will continue to be safe. I may not know exactly “how” it will show up, but I know for sure that it WILL show up for me. It always does.

As I’ve been teaching, we don’t have the choice to opt-in or opt-out of the pandemic. We can, however, choose how to respond. It’s up to you to decide to learn to come from a place of power. You CAN do it!

Always, hold the belief of “let this or something better come into my life”.

If you’d like my help, please reach out to my team to learn about my services.

Be Brilliant,



Kate Beeders

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author | 
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching


P.S. One other question that people are wondering is if schools will open up again and if their children will EVER return back to school. I’d say it’s pretty safe to believe it will happen 🙂