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Is this the million-dollar question you’ve been asking yourself?                          

Does work-life balance actually exist and how can I have it? 

Sometimes, I think marketers made up the term. In the “olden” days, before easy computer access, it was easier to turn off work once you got home and focus on family and personal life. 

Now, there’s an obligation to always feel on. We need to carry our phones everywhere with us. To always be available. And, to make it worse, there are apps where you constantly have to be connected, as the expectation is for a fast response. Not to mention, you don’t want to miss out on anything. 

And let’s not forget the obligation to take pictures of everything. Photos of what you eat or what you’re doing. Photos of your vacation while you’re on vacation, so you spend your time posting and responding to comments instead of actually being on vacation.  

People are on social media seven days a week – from morning to night. From waking up to going to sleep, 

What does work-life balance actually mean? It used to be that you could shut off work and have time off to rejuvenate, rest, and focus on who and what you love. Instead, it creates more stress as you try to bring something into your life that feels impossible, adding even more stress and overwhelm. If you work from home, it may seem impossible to have any separation. 

And now, you’re always on, which essentially means you have no work-life balance. It becomes impossible to achieve, …unless you start taking different actions.

I do believe you can create something even better than work-life balance if you follow these rules:

-Live your life with intention.

-Set boundaries and keep them.

-Know your priorities and know your “why”

Use resources to help. 

-Let everything else go when you can.

You’ll find you’re happier, sleeping better, more focused, and enjoying life.

Work-life balance will never be 50-50. Instead, create something better for your life.  

So, take a moment, and decide what work-life balance means to you. 

It’s time to redefine. Just like it’s time to redefine what success means to you as it’s no longer about the corner office and important title. 

One of my most important mantras is that “my words, my thoughts, and my actions line up with the type of life I want to live.”

Reach out to me if you’d like help with this most essential area of your life. Often, it’s difficult to see for ourselves where we get blocked and the help of an expert (me) makes the process faster and easier! 

Be Brilliant,



Kate Beeders

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Coaching for Professional/Personal Development

Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash