Join me on my transformational journey of learning to shift my mindset, allowing me to choose myself first as I take my power back.
It’s all about being surrounded by people and things that motivate, inspire, and support me for a life full of joy, clarity and confidence. I’m ready for my breakthroughs!
Maybe, my words will inspire you to choose you, too.

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 22
A Different Type of Love That’s Here For You Now (from my heart to yours)
Valentine’s Day is almost here and everyone’s posting about romantic love. Me, I’m thinking about a different type of love these days.
The Year of Choosing Me – Part 21
But I had a serious talk with my younger self. You know, the one who was worried about how she would look (yes, our younger selves do compare themselves to others and are quick to be critical). I knew that most people would be more concerned with themselves than with me. Our ego takes over in most cases. Did you know that when looking at a group photo, everyone looks for themselves first instead of at everyone else?

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 20
The word “busy” totally annoys me. This time of year, I hear it so much. People looking as if they’re running around with their heads cut off and “happy” seems to be the farthest thing from their mind. Being busy is not a key to #success, #goalsetting, #clarity or event #confidence. Being busy won’t facilitate a breakthrough.

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 19
Sometimes, being strong sucks. When the accident first happened, I had a bit of a meltdown. Yup, I’m confessing. That may not sound very Law of Attraction, transformational or motivational but keep reading and learn why. Warning: Personal Post!

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 18
Over the last few years, and especially over the previous few months, I’ve put together a list of my principles for my most brilliant life. I am sharing my ten most powerful and intimate practices with you so you can see what resonates and take what you like to add to...

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 17
This change in my life nearly put me over the edge. Here’s what happened and here’s what I did. #success #mindset #breakthrough #leadership #motivation

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 16
Have you ever thought of how the seasons of life affect you, your life, and your business? Honestly, I didn’t focus on it much before, and several things have been happening in my life that keep bringing this philosophy into focus.

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 15
Don’t you sometimes wish that someone would just give you a map with all of the answers? That would take the guess-work out of life and avoid making costly mistakes.

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 14
Why do bad things happen? When they do, we have that tendency to go into “victim mode” and think about all of the ways life is unfair. Those beliefs started to pop up for me until I did this mindset shift.

The Year of Choosing Me – Part 12
I started to think about what happened to make this transformation possible- something I like to think about as a “miracle.” What did I do differently to allow this to happen? Was it my mindset? Was it action I took? What allowed this success?