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Are We Taking Personal Responsibility Too Far With the “Blame Game”?

Are We Taking Personal Responsibility Too Far With the “Blame Game”?

In our evolutionary, transformational world, there’s a lot of talk about taking personal responsibility. This phrase means that instead of finding external excuses or blaming others when things go wrong, we own the results. In theory, this is very important. “If you...
Ever Wonder if Leadership is in the Cards For You?

Ever Wonder if Leadership is in the Cards For You?

When you think about being a leader, what vision pops up for you? Do you see someone at the front of the room teaching?  Or perhaps, someone climbing mountains with hundreds (or even thousands) following that person?      Maybe you envision it as someone who has...
Did Anyone Ever Teach You the Three Best Strategies to Go for Success?

Did Anyone Ever Teach You the Three Best Strategies to Go for Success?

Have you noticed I’ve been teaching a lot about problem-solving lately?  That’s because I believe that’s an area where so many get stuck. For example, Denise, one of my new clients, was having issues with her team’s productivity.  The situation was frustrating to her...
The First Thing You Should Do When Something Bad Happens

The First Thing You Should Do When Something Bad Happens

In a recent coaching call, a client of mine, “Alicia,” shared how something upsetting had happened in her personal life.  She was trying to do her best to cope but was understandably shaken up and not sure what to do.  Alicia alternated between feeling scared, anger,...