by Kate Beeders | Jun 10, 2021 | Business Success, Confidence, entrepreneurs, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Leadership, mindset, Money, Perfectionism, Personal Development, Procrastination, Professional Women, Self Growth, Success Coaching, Success Strategies, Success Tips, tapping, Uncategorized
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry”. This grounding quote is an excellent reminder that you will only reach your goal if you have a plan – not just any plan. It needs to be a realistic and...
by Kate Beeders | Aug 13, 2020 | Business & Money, Business Success, Client Atrraction, Confidence, entrepreneurs, Money, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Professional Women, Success Coaching, Success Tips
Finally! This topic is being talked about instead of hiding it behind closed doors. Watch this video, participate and I promise you’ll feel better afterward. I’m teaching you important action you need to take right now and you’ll be able to...
by Kate Beeders | Oct 17, 2019 | Business & Money, Business Success, Confidence, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, mindset, Overwhelm, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Success Coaching, Success Strategies, Success Tips, Uncategorized
In a recent coaching call, a client of mine, “Alicia,” shared how something upsetting had happened in her personal life. She was trying to do her best to cope but was understandably shaken up and not sure what to do. Alicia alternated between feeling scared, anger,...
by Assistant | May 25, 2016 | entrepreneurs, Law of Attraction, mindset, Overwhelm, Procrastination, Success Strategies
Yesterday morning, I was due to go to the gym and I came up with probably 101 reasons why hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep would be a better option. Even though, the night before, I had gotten my gym clothes, sneakers and gear ready to go. Has that...
by Assistant | Apr 20, 2016 | Business & Money, Business Success, entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, mindset, Overwhelm, Procrastination, Success Strategies, Success Tips
Did you know that your results are based on your actions? And, your actions are based on your self-image? It’s true. Think about it. When you’re about to take action, don’t you usually think about what you’re capable of and then decide to do it? In other words, if...
by Kate Beeders | Dec 15, 2015 | mindset, Procrastination
I’m so sick of people saying they can’t move forward in their business until they find their “purpose”. They delay taking action. They seek the perfect answer. They search under every rock. I first heard about “finding your purpose” when I became an...