Is “Easier” the Better or Not the Best Solution For You?
I don’t typically write about what I cook because I only spend a little time cooking in the kitchen. However, this year, I intend to expand my horizons with cooking as part of my well-being efforts….

Here’s FAST-ACTING STRATEGY if You’re Tired of Getting Stuck
Giving up is so easy when we don’t see the “proof” of our efforts.
When the person doesn’t say “yes,” the bank account doesn’t seem to be growing fast enough, the scale doesn’t seem to be moving in the right direction, the promotion at work hasn’t happened…whatever you’re focused on achieving doesn’t seem to be happening.

This is ONE OF THE MOST CRITICAL Numbers You Need to Know Now
Let’s say you’ve decided to go on a diet and visit a friend’s house after work. The friend offers you a delicious piece of cake that was recently baked. It smells heavenly. You eat the cake, enjoying every morsel, and the next day you’re annoyed because you…

Are You TODAY’S BIG WINNER in the Toleration Game?
Sometimes we think it doesn’t affect our life if we don’t “complain” about something. That’s incorrect. These big and small things we face regularly add to our stress level and affect our happiness and success.

ARE YOU AN EXPERT in Getting Results (or an expert in learning)?
We’re all experts on what gives us a better life, yet, the truth is that most people don’t implement these things into their lives or work. You’ve read the books/articles, watched the videos/TED Talks, listened to podcasts, and even taken courses. I’ve been there, and I’ll bet you have, too.
You’re still doing the same old stuff with the same old habits getting the same old results.

I Didn’t Realize I was Doing This Until it Was Almost Too Late. What About You?
Would I be the “hero” in the office that everyone congratulates or the person that people avoid looking in the eyes for fear of seeing my disappointment?

If You Were Taught This is the Key to Success, it’s Wrong.
Were you taught growing up that to be successful, you must work “hard”? So start your work day early and end late. Get into the office before your boss. Always be “busy.”

Isn’t it Time to Remove This Block From Getting in the Way of Your Success?
There’s an accounting term called “sunken cost” which means, in general terms, something already purchased or invested in. Who would have thought these two words could affect our mindset and success so much by creating obstacles to keep us from reaching our goals?…

Stop All of the Rush, Rush, Rushing Around. It’s Bad For Your Success!
When I first started posting photos of Destiny Star, my brand new puppy, on Facebook, everyone seemed to comment that they wanted a puppy, too. What people often forget is how quickly (I mean in a snap of a finger) that initial phase of puppyhood flies by.

Are You Trying To Reach Your Goals Blindfolded Today (and every day)?
It’s that time of year again to start thinking about your goals. What do you want, what’s in the way and what needs to happen to reach them? Truthfully, I believe it’s always “that time of year” to have this focus and clarity.
There are so many different tools…