Is This One of Your Biggest Complaints in the Workplace?
The problem of “too many meetings” isn’t new and has become more prevalent with the pandemic and hybrid/remote workers. I believe there are better ways to increase employee engagement than constant meetings.

Are You Ready to LEARN TO BECOME MORE ESSENTIAL and Less Easily Replaceable at Work?
Peter Drucker, whose work as a management consultant, heavily contributed to modern management theory’s philosophical and practical foundations. He believed that “people are effective because they say no.”

Why Is This STILL Happening at Your Workplace?
We’ve all experienced meetings, calls, emails, and posts when another person has taken over a conversation and pushed it in a different direction to their agenda. I refer to that as a “hijacking,” as a former senior flight attendant; I don’t use that word carelessly.

Six Guaranteed Strategies Making You More Successful Starting Today
Let’s face it. The definition of success has changed. It used to mean that someone was successful when they had a fancy title, a corner office, and made lots of money. We worked hard, were always “busy,” and were proud of our “multi-tasking” abilities. We often paid attention to everyone else’s actions while wanting the “crowd’s approval.”

How Does YOUR INNER STRENGTH and Fine-Tuned Clarity Come From What You Lose?
Recently, a neighbor of mine passed away. It seemed rather sudden. Her husband shared that she had cancer and was gone within a week.

Is This Silently Impacting Your Success on a Daily Basis?
As my passion and enthusiasm have grown for decluttering and the vast transformations that have occurred for me, personally, I’ve included this in much of my teaching and coaching.
People often ask me to share my transformations, so I’m sharing a few with you.

Do You Have Time to “TAP” for Abundance Today?
Everyone wants more abundance in their lives, whether professionally or personally related. To attract abundance, your energy must align with this. For example, if you want to be wealthy, you need to think “wealthy” thoughts as if you’re a magnet.

You Can OVERCOME a Common Mindset Block in One Step. Start Here.
How many times have you talked yourself out of trying something new or taking an action that could be risky?
Getting out of our Comfort Zone and trying something new sounds easy, yet it can be so difficult. It’s where so many of us get stuck.

Why Do We Always Forget About This on the Path to Success?
Let’s face it. We must remember about our self-care as we’re so busy caring for others. It’s easier to tell others how much we like or love them. If you have a child or a pet, you may be telling that to your pet a hundred times a day 🙂

Are You Looking to Boost Your Confidence Quickly? Try This Now.
If you’re curious about one of the top character traits to #success, read on. You’ll be amazed at how many areas of your life you use it.