by Kate Beeders | Jul 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
Have you ever been somewhere, perhaps a restaurant or movie where a child is making a lot of noise and seems out of control, and the parent seems clueless? It can be pretty annoying, wouldn’t you agree? Well, there’s a flip side I want to share with you. Yesterday, I...
by Kate Beeders | Jul 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Are you tired of settling and staying stuck? See if these stories sound familiar. “Jane,” a former client of mine, came to work with me because she was always worried about money. She didn’t think she had enough and seemed to have a lot of chaos when it was time to...
by Kate Beeders | Jul 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
Wow! The 3-day Brilliant Challenge was so powerful! The comments participants have been posting and sending me are fantastic. What participants learned is going to give them their best summer ever! I know there are some of you that are kicking yourself that you...
by Kate Beeders | Jul 10, 2019 | Uncategorized
Just because it’s summer (my most favorite time of the year!) doesn’t mean that you have to put your dreams on hold. Yet, so many people do that until September hits, and then they run around frantically, trying to catch up for lost time. What if instead, you could...
by Kate Beeders | Jul 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Often, when people talk about respect, they talk about how other people treat them. Have you ever said, “that person wasn’t respectful to me” or something like that? I was talking about this very subject with one of my clients. She was complaining that her...
by Kate Beeders | Jun 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
Several years ago, I had a client “Sue” who was trying to attract more abundance into her life. The problem was no matter how hard she worked at it; she couldn’t get out of her own way. Whenever there was any difficulty, she would make excuses. She said things...