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Are you tired of settling and staying stuck?  See if these stories sound familiar.

“Jane,” a former client of mine, came to work with me because she was always worried about money.  She didn’t think she had enough and seemed to have a lot of chaos when it was time to pay her bills.

“Linda,” used to have money issues until we started working together.  Her income started to double, triple, and then quadruple.  However, she would admit, with a guilty smile that she was sliding backward as she continued to have financial emergencies.

What did “Jane” and “Linda” have in common?

Whenever the least little thing would happen, both would have their thoughts go right back to a place of scarcity and imagining the worse.

These were some of their worries:

  • What if they didn’t have enough money for the things they believed were important? 
  • What if they couldn’t pay their bills? 
  • What if another emergency happened?
  • And, so on.

They both had powerful money stories that keep that stuck in a scarcity mindset and set point.  As a result, they felt insecure and scared.  They both felt a little hopeless with the belief that things would never change for them.

Also, on the flip side (even though neither would ever want to admit this) they felt “safe” in their story.  The two women could always blame things on their money issues and not have to do the work required to change.

Here’s what I had them do and what you should do when you’re feeling stuck in a situation:

“Take your mind off the problem and focus on the solution.”

Whatever your problem is (money, clients, opportunities, relationships, etc.), focus on the solution.

What do you want?

Work from that place and watch the magic happen.

If you choose instead to focus on the problem (aka the scarcity) you’ll never be able to figure out how to make things work for you.

Jane and Linda learned how to do this.  They combined this action with our work together of Tapping, Laws of Attraction, Neuroscience and of course, strategy. They took both their businesses and personal lives to the next level as they mastered this new mindset.

They created a new set point of how they wanted things to be instead of settling.

You can, too. 

If you need help (and we all do!) contact my team to learn more about coaching opportunities and live events.

Be Brilliant,

Kate Beeders, The Breakthrough Success Expert and Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™

Tap into Your Zone of Brilliance and Breakthrough Your Financial Glass Ceiling

Check out my newly released book “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance”


Do you ever get frustrated because you’re not able to accomplish what you want each day?

Instead, you notice that you’re easily distracted and overwhelmed. When that happens, like most of us, you’ll find a reason to procrastinate. As a result, all of those dreams and visions you have for your life become a distant memory and become harder to reach.

For faster success, use your Brilliant Success Journal daily. 
Learn more.

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November 7-8, 2019: Success Acceleration Retreat Boston – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing

February 5-7, 2020: Success Acceleration Retreat Cancun – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing