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Several years ago, I had a client “Sue” who was trying to attract more abundance into her life.  The problem was no matter how hard she worked at it; she couldn’t get out of her own way. 

Whenever there was any difficulty, she would make excuses. She said things like:  “the dog ate it” or “her credit card was stolen” or “she wasn’t able to access her email” or “it wasn’t her priority that week.”  There was always an excuse. Sue would never own up to the cause as it was still someone or something else’s fault and was slow as communicating back with them. As you can imagine, Sue’s clients were not happy with her response resulting in shorter work relationships and no referrals. 

Sue was always hitting a brick wall in terms of manifesting money, so something had to change. 

For many of us, there was a strong upbringing about being “perfect” and being a “good little girl or boy.”  If you didn’t behave, you were punished.  As young children, we associated being perfect and good with being loved, instead of understanding that we were good AND what we did was wrong.  There’s a big difference in that. 

If you feel that your abundance is blocked, ask yourself if you’re taking ownership of the problems that occur or if you’re blaming someone else.

Action steps for you to start with:

  1. Apologizing for any inconvenience this issue caused to the person/company involved. 
  2. Figure out how to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible (even if it inconveniences you)
  3.  Let the person/company know how this is being resolved
  4. Thank the person/company for their patience and understanding
  5. Do your best to ensure this doesn’t happen again

Taking these steps doesn’t make you a “bad” person (contrary to what you may have been told when you were a child). 

Instead, you are acting like an adult and taking responsibility.

Always take personal responsibility no matter how uncomfortable it may seem.

When handled correctly, you can become the hero(ine) in a bad situation.  I’ve seen many people do that and as a result, they increase their loyalty level. Imagine how good they would feel.

Back to Sue, when she started taking personal responsibility instead of making excuses, she took her relationships with her clients to the next level.  She became more trust-worthy and noticed that repeat business and referrals had become abundant. 

If it’s difficult for you to admit that you did something wrong, maybe it’s time for us to have a chat about coaching.  If you’re ready to check out what that would look like, email my team.  

Be Brilliant,

Kate Beeders, The Breakthrough Success Expert and Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™

Tap into Your Zone of Brilliance and Breakthrough Your Financial Glass Ceiling

Check out my newly released book “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance”



August 22, 2019: Brilliant Breakthrough Day – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing

November 7-8, 2019: Success Acceleration Retreat Boston – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing

February 5-7, 2020: Success Acceleration Retreat Cancun – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing