Early Bird Tickets Available! Save $700Yes! I want to GO!!!

It’s been two days since my Ultimate Success Solutions Workshop:  How to Break Through Your Financial Glass Ceiling For Once & For ALL ended.  WOW!  There was so much great energy in the room from the fabulous group of attendees.

I must admit, I was nervous about this event.  This was the first two-day workshop I had held.   I was a bit hesitant at the beginning, but one of my close friends told me to put my “big girl pants” on and just go for it.  So, I booked a conference room in a beautiful hotel and moved forward.  


I wasn’t sure what to expect at the workshop.  The only thing I knew for sure was that attendees would have amazing shifts.  But, I didn’t know who or how many would attend.  There were so many unknowns…and that was quite scary at times.  There were a few times I probably would have been perfectly happy if I canceled the event and stayed in my comfort zone.    But, instead, I plowed ahead.  The event was amazing and I can’t wait to hold another event.  

In fact, my own coach told me that I was a “Rock Star” for what I had done, because   many other solopreneurs had to cancel their workshops due to lack of sign ups.  

It was wonderful to see the changes attendees had in such a short time.  Here are some the things words attendees have written me since the workshop:

Thank you for a wonderful experience this past weekend.  You created a space where I could open up to possibilities and opportunities.  So much of what you said resonated.”

 “Thanks so much for the event, I’m really looking forward to the VIP day. I had a few very nice breakthroughs and look forward to more.” 

“Fabulous event….didn’t get a chance to say thank you or good-bye today. Wonderful people in the room and it made for a very rich and “success”ful day. “

“I wasn’t going to go because such a procrastinator.  I never take time for myself – ever.  My friend got me to go.  And, I’m so glad I did.” 

I truly wish you could have been part of this.   In a very short time, attendees were releasing their blocks and moving closer to their success.  They were releasing blocks around these very important issues:  procrastination, money beliefs, charging what they’re worth, work-life balance and self- confidence. 

If you wished that you could have been there, too, I have an opportunity for you to learn how to start clearing out your blocks, so you can have the success you want – just like the USS attendees had. 

I am opening up ONLY 7  COMPLIMENTARY spots  Money Attraction Discovery Phone Sessions where you will learn how to have your break through.   Details will be coming out in my next email. 

If you don’t want to wait and are ready to apply,  here’s the link to get a “head start”


Be Brilliant,




P.S.  Please post a time when you’ve gotten out of your comfort zone and it’s worked out.  We’d love to hear about it!