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Would making an extra 20K in the next few months interest you?

I am just coming off the most amazing quarter.    From holding my first 3 day live event where I brought in multi-6-figures of revenue to wrapping up with being honored on the Red Carpet with a Quilly award for my best-selling book  “The Winning Way”.  In between I...

Stop! Don’t Spend Your Money Yet!

Let’s talk about “bright shiny object syndrome”….(my definition:  looking for the magic bullet to bring you what you want very easily – almost too good to be true). I’ve seen so many entrepreneurs really mess up what could be a...

[Big Mistake!] It’s Not Enough To Raise Your Rates!

If you wanted to start to charge what you’re worth, you might think that all you need to do is raise your rates, right?  Sounds simple.  A one-step process.  Not really! This is where so many entrepreneurs go wrong.  They think it’s as simple as charging...

[Brilliance] Too old to go for your dreams?

I recently read an article where a famous financial planner was giving financial advise.  What I read stopped me dead in my tracks.  A woman in her 40’s wrote in asking for advise if she should leave her corporate job to live her dream as an entrepreneur.  She...