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I recently read an article where a famous financial planner was giving financial advise.  What I read stopped me dead in my tracks.  A woman in her 40’s 20366182_swrote in asking for advise if she should leave her corporate job to live her dream as an entrepreneur.  She had 8 months of living expenses in the bank.  Suze told her “no” as she would go through her savings and her 401K.  Then, to add insult to injury, she told them woman if she was in her 20’s she would approve of this but at her age (40’s) she inferred it was too old to take a chance to live the life of your dreams.

That made me so mad.  Years ago, I would have followed along, giving the head nod and very much wanting to play it safe.  But, there is an evolution going on right now of entrepreneurs right now.  People who are heart-centered, conscious and wanting to create change.

Most entrepreneurs I know don’t even have 8 months savings in the bank before starting their business.  I didn’t.  I’m an accidental entrepreneur. I jumped right in about something I was really passionate about.  Perhaps, you did the same.  I earn multi-6-figures and it’s rising.  What if I had listened to that advise?   I wouldn’t be in business today.

How dare someone say “no” to your dreams to keep you playing small and safe because they’re coming from their story and place of fear.

The truth is we don’t need anyone’s permission to live our dreams.  

Where in your life are you playing it safe?




-Personal Time?

Today, give yourself permission to do one thing that makes you show up in a bigger, bolder way.   It can be big or small as the point is to take action to start living the life of your dreams.

Here’s the deal.  Reaching your dreams isn’t an end point as we’re always creating new dreams.  So, if you say you’re going to wait until something happens, you’re missing out on so much in your life.

So, today…do one thing that will get you out of your comfort zone.

I’ll let you in on a secret.  The more of this you do and the more authentic you become, the more ideal clients you’ll attract and the faster your business will grow.

Be Brilliant,





Kate Beeders

Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert

P.S.  Learn how to do this and much more at The Wealthy Solopreneur