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Complete this sentence:  “If I had a million dollars………….”         21203450_s

Remember the lyrics in the Barenaked Ladies song?

“If I had a million dollars
If I had a million dollars
Well, I’d buy you a house
I would buy you a house

And if I had a million dollars
If I had a million dollars
I’d buy you furniture for your house
Maybe a nice Chesterfield or an ottoman”

Recently, someone in one of the Facebook forums I belong to posed a question, asking the readers:  “What would
you do with the money if you were a millionaire?
”   I’ve seen this question asked many times and in many ways.   I always have the impression that the person asking (and the people answering) think something magical will happen once they reach one million dollars of income.  It’s the same with the newbie belief that things will change once they reach 6-figures.

What I know to be true is that the smarter entrepreneurs continue to spend the same once they reach a million dollars.  If they invested before, they continue to invest in their business.  That never changes.  Perhaps, the stakes get higher.   I do find that the “smarter” entrepreneurs often treat themselves to a few more experiences but for the most part, most things in their day-to-day lives are not changing.  If you’ve ever read “The Millionaire Next Door” that often sums it up.

However, there are always some who go on spending binges.   They’re typically people who didn’t grow up with much and are now making up for lost time.  You often see this with lottery winners or athletes that spend all of their money within a few years.

The reason I believe this is an important topic worth writing about is that I don’t want you to think that things magically change once you reach a certain income.   If you’re smart with your money now and invest wisely in your business, you will continue to do so.

I also would like you to think about what you would do if you earned a million dollars this year.  Write your answers on a piece of paper.

What would be different?  

Where would you be investing?  

What resources would you have?  

Who is in your community?

How would you be giving back to your family and community?  

Now, ask yourself these questions:

1.  Are you taking the right action steps to get there?

2.  Do you have the mentors to teach you how to get there? 

3.  Do you have the resources to support you getting there?

4.  Are you acting in integrity to get there? 

To reach your goal, no matter what size it is,  you must take that first step forward.  If you need help trying to figure out what your next step is, apply for a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session ($400 value) where I’ll laser in and figure out where you’re stuck and what the best action is for your to take next.  I’m opening up  only 5 spots on my calendar.  Here’s the link to apply:  http://www.tinyurl.com/bizbreakthru

Be Brilliant,






Kate Beeders

Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert

P.S.  There are only 5 open spots on my calendar for Business Breakthrough Sessions ($400 value).  Apply for yours today!   http://www.tinyurl.com/bizbreakthru