What’s The Common Denominator for Success?
Wow! I wanted to send this woman a mirror. I was having a conversation with someone at a networking meeting who proceeded to tell me about all of the times “coaching” didn’t work for her. She named several other coaches she worked with and proclaimed how both they and their programs had failed her. How it was a waste of money for her. She told me how the coaching industry was a big scheme and everyone was overpaid.
Have you ever blamed anyone/everyone else for your failure?
For your bad choices?
For your mistakes?
It’s so easy to do that.
Have you heard that expression “Wherever You Go, There You Are” ?
What it means is that if you keep seeing the same results you need to look at the common denominator – which is you!
If you’ve ever left one job to go to the next and seen similar problems…what’s the common denominator? You!
If you’ve left one relationship and entered into a new one and seen similar problems…what’s the common denominator? You!
Or, if you’ve worked with several coaches or several programs and not been happy with the results… what’s the common denominator? You!
The point of the article is not to make you feel bad about yourself or that you are undeserving of success, but for you to realize you are responsible for your results.
If you are seeing patterns with a coaching program you’ve joined (or have joined in the past), ask yourself these questions:
1) Was/is this the right coach to help me? (Do I like their style, how they teach, what they are modeling and their results)
2) Why are you signing up? What are the results you hope to achieve? (You need to be clear on your expectations and results desired)
3) Will their style of teaching help me get the results I want? (If you do better in a community where others encourage you, you probably won’t want one-to-one coaching. However, if you like to move at your own pace, you most likely would prefer private coaching).
4) Do you show up for the calls? Do the homework? Participate? (I find it so interesting that people will sign up for programs and not show up).
Now, #4 should really make you think. Why do you sign up for programs and then not show up? Why do you sign up and not do the assignments? This is often where all of the fears, doubts and self-talk pop-up. Perhaps, you need to do some inner work (mindset shifts) so you can start to get the results that you desire. There may be a lot of fear of success and fear of failure going on. Perhaps, you’re even “second-guessing” yourself. Those fears will keep you stuck no matter what course/coach etc that you work with until you clear them out.
Bottom line, if you’re always “right” but not getting the results you want, you’re not “right”.
Be Brilliant,
Kate Beeders
Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert
P.S. Need a first step? Visit www.KateBeeders.com and get your BRAND NEW COMPLIMENTARY MINI VIDEO SERIES: “Stop Procrastinating: Start Mastering the 3 Keys to Unlimited Business Success Now”
Kate – this is so true. I am also really surprised at how often people sign up for things thinking that the mere act of signing up will solve their problems. It’s really important to to the work – and to really think about if you can commit before signing up.