It’s so easy when things become stressful or don’t go as planned to make bad decisions based on how we’re feeling at that moment.
Maybe we take what someone said or did personally?
Maybe we think that things are unfair?
Maybe we’re afraid that something terrible will happen?
These situations happen over and over again in our daily lives.
Let’s say you’re at work and a client does something that blindsides you. Your reaction might be to worry and talk to others about it. Perhaps you tell your friends that the client is a jerk and you never liked working with him/her. You might start doubting yourself. Your confidence takes a huge hit. You put up a wall and get defensive. You react inappropriately, which ultimately makes the situation escalate. You’re angry. The client is angry and he/she might walk. And we all know how long it takes to get a new client!
Instead of reacting, take a step back before responding and ask yourself this critical question:
“What is really true?”
Not what you “think” is true, but what is REALLY true. I’m referring to the indisputable facts.
What information is missing from your interpretation of the events?
Once you determine the facts, choose your response from there. You’ll notice that the situation is handled smoother – often, with ease and grace. Ultimately, you’ll be happier with the results.
The situation I just described happens frequently. We subconsciously go into our “stories” and don’t even realize how our old programming affects us. We do it repeatedly and wonder why we do not have more success and happiness. Instead, we see ourselves repeating the same old patterns where we’re the victim and things don’t end well.
I love to teach my clients how to “return that old story to the library and write a new one.” If you want to learn to become the author of your own bestselling story, let’s schedule a time for a quick chat or contact my team.
Be Brilliant,

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching
P.S. Schedule a time to learn more about my coaching services.
P.P.S. Have you checked out all of the FREE RESOURCES available to help you show up in your brilliance? There are meditations, tapping videos, training, and much more!
P.P.P.S. If you’re a dog lover, please check out The Forever Cali Project. There are lots of great resources for you!