by Kate Beeders | Aug 14, 2012 | Business & Money, Business Success, Client Atrraction, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Media, Products, Promotions, Social Media, Speaking, Success Coaching, Success Tips
One thing I have learned from my business, is that this is a journey. The focus should not just be on the end result, but also the actual steps. After all, what’s the point of having something, if you don’t like the process to get there? That was a big lesson I...
by Kate Beeders | Jul 28, 2012 | Business Success, Confidence, Event Marketing, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Media, Meridian Tapping Techniques, Products, Success Coaching, Success Tips, tapping, Uncategorized
“I’m so overwhelmed”…is a phrase I hear from many of my clients. I have to tell you that when I first starting planning my upcoming October event, Ultimate Success Solutions ( , I was starting to feel the same way. ...
by Kate Beeders | Jun 22, 2012 | Business & Money, Business Success, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Success Coaching, Success Tips
Ready, set, go! June 20th was the first day of summer. It actually officially began at 7:23 pm EDT. And, as a BONUS, it’s the longest day of the year. I’ve been blogging a lot about summer because there’s a lot of conflict over this time of year. ...
by Kate Beeders | Jun 16, 2012 | Business & Money, Business Success, Confidence, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Success Coaching, Success Tips
If you have ever received an email or ezine from me, you will notice that I sign off by saying “Be Brilliant”. I receive a lot of interesting comments about that. When I took that as my signature, it was because it meant several different things to me as a...
by Kate Beeders | Jun 8, 2012 | Business & Money, Business Success, Confidence, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Success Coaching, Success Tips
What would you do with a Quick Cash Infusion? This was a question I posed recently to solopreneurs who signed up for my Brand-New Call : “How to Have a Quick Cash Infusion”. People responded that they would use that money to pay bills, hire additional...
by Kate Beeders | May 8, 2012 | Business & Money, Business Success, Confidence, Law of Attraction, Success Coaching, Success Tips
If you’re a parent you will probably know what I am talking about. Or, if you’ve ever seen a child carrying (and refusing to let go of) their favorite toy, you’ll understand this. I learned about this from my very cute dog, Cali. Almost every time we leave the...