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Is Success Too Difficult?18812087_s

Having success is work.  It is challenging.  I think so many entrepreneurs forget that.  This is especially common for the entrepreneurs who were successful in corporate or when working for someone else.   They become disappointed, disillusioned, and discouraged.

One of my clients,  “Robin” was very successful during her 10 years in corporate.   She came to work with me because after a year of trying to build a business she was not making any money, stressed, anxious, had gained weight and wasn’t sleeping.  She needed a game plan and she needed it quickly.

In the past, she had a mid-management level position with a very nice salary, bonus and other perks to go along with it.  When her company merged with another and she was “laid off” due to the duplicity of her position, Robin first looked for another position at other companies.  Then, after a lot of soul-searching, she decided to open her own business doing what she loved.   After all, made 6-figures in corporate and she assumed she would quickly reach 6-figures on her own.

Robin didn’t take into account all of the start up costs, education, and marketing that her new business would take to get off the ground.  Then, as she got clients, she found it difficult to balance both the service and marketing part of her business at the same time.  She didn’t know how to accomplish both the service to be provided to existing clients and the marketing to bring new clients in.

“When you’re drowning, you don’t say ‘I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me.  You just scream.”  ~ John Lennon

No wonder entrepreneurs become disappointed, disillusioned, and discouraged.  Robin made the mistake that so many entrepreneurs make when they start their own business.  She thought because she was successful before she would quickly become successful again.

When you’re working for someone else, you typically will have a mentor or boss who will guide you.  This person is helping you because the company wants you to be successful for their bottom line.  The mistake entrepreneurs often make is that they don’t remember or understand the importance of having someone guide them.  Many entrepreneurs fail because they don’t know what they don’t know.

Here’s your chance to be smarter than most entrepreneurs. 

Look at your plan for the upcoming year.

Where are the holes?

Where are the weak areas?

Where have you failed (or come up short) in the past?

What are the new areas you are venturing into?

Those are the areas you will need guidance to be successful.   

Be Brilliant,


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Kate Beeders


Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert

P.S.  Need help getting into action?  Visit www.KateBeeders.com and get your BRAND NEW COMPLIMENTARY MINI VIDEO SERIES: “Stop Procrastinating: Start Mastering the 3 Keys to Unlimited Business Success Now”