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Did you watch Sunday’s episode?  What did you think?  Lord Grantham was in deep trouble and feeling like a “wretched failure (his words – not mine) because he was about to lose his family’s home Downton Abbey.   The family even went so far as to visit another home they might need to move into.  But, as what often happens on television, Matthew Crawley saved the family at the very last minute with his recent inheritance. Got to love the drama!

Life doesn’t always work that way.  Of course, as a viewer, I knew that the family would be rescued- otherwise, they’d have to change the name of the show if they moved   😀

I have to imagine that Lord Grantham’s self confidence will take a hit after this recent experience.   His identity is so much that of a successful, wealthy man but he almost lost his family’s security.  I’ll be curious to see how this plays out on future episodes- perhaps, he’ll start drinking more or have problems with his wife.  Hmmm, we’ll have to wait and see. 

You don’t always have a Matthew Crawley in your life to come in and “save”  you at the last minute.  Really, do you really want to give all of your power away like that?  Do you really want all of that drama in your life?  It’s nice to know that you have someone out there to help you and who has your back, but it’s more important to pay attention to your business so you don’t have a situation like Lord Grantham. 

This means paying attention to your business’ profit on a regular basis.   You would be surprised at how many entrepreneurs I’ve talked to (at all different levels) who have no idea how much they are making.  

Questions to ask yourself:

Is your checkbook balanced or do you have a bookkeeper that tracks your expenses?  

Do you save a percentage of your earnings on a regular basis? 

Have you created a marketing plan for 2013 to estimate your income? 

If Lord Grantham had diversified his investments and paid more attention to it, he would not have been so close to financial ruin.   Imagine, if he had other investments or a lot of money in the bank and he was able to move through this recent loss easily without shaking up his family’s trust.   What a difference that would have made to him!  

It’s January 2013, make it a priority to pay attention to your money this year.  Money is a form of energy, when you treat your money with respect, you will attract more money into your life. 

If you’d like help to up-level your business and attract more money in 2013, send me a personal email at: [email protected].

 Be Brilliant,

Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert
….Specializing in helping entrepreneurs get unstuck, get into action & get the cash flowing!!!