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Kate Beeders Blog
Is This Your Impossible Struggle Right Now?

Is This Your Impossible Struggle Right Now?

Can you actually earn and charge what you're worth during a pandemic and recession?     The short answer is "yes." I've been posting a lot about this topic on social media. Below is one of my recent Q&A posts that answers the question about charging what you’re...

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How To Beat The Winter Doldrums

How To Beat The Winter Doldrums

Happy New Year. So much has happened in local, national, and world events lately. A lot of it is disheartening. So how do we keep our team and staff engaged and productive during the dark days of winter? I'm a dentist's daughter. I learned the importance of preventive...

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Ready For A Brighter Future? Try This Easy Exercise Today.

Ready For A Brighter Future? Try This Easy Exercise Today.

Ever heard of the “power of intention?” If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll remember I talk about “deliberately” creating. Without intent (i.e., a plan, a goal), we only manage to wander through life. If you want to live your BEST life, it’s critical to set an intention and what better way than NOW!

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