Have you ever had an unpleasant (or let’s just put it out there) nasty boss or co-worker? How about a difficult client? Or a neighbor that you wish would move far, far away?
When toxic people are in your life, it can often make you feel powerless. For a long time, I felt like a victim when confronted with a nasty co-worker, unpleasant client, or noisy neighbor (fortunately, not all simultaneously). It was as if they held all the cards and I had no options.
I could teach you how not to get yourself into these situations. I could also tell you that “karma is a bitch.” Instead, I’m going to teach you how to minimize the impact of negative people and get back to enjoying your life.
Below are five effective techniques to help you reclaim your power.
1. First of all, know that it’s not about making you right and them wrong. Because if that’s your intention, you’ll probably never win without much pain and the situation lasts a lot longer than you’d like.
2. Give yourself permission to accept that you’re angry and feel free to yell and scream in a private place, such as your car or bedroom, where you can say whatever you want. Most of us were taught it’s not ok to be angry. We bury the anger by holding it in. We overeat, shop compulsively, or do other negative behaviors instead of learning to work through our feelings.
3. Write an unsent letter. Write whatever you want to say, knowing that your eyes are the only ones that will ever see it. Writing this letter is another way of dealing with your anger. At the end of the letter, close off by writing positive affirmations. I especially like: “I release myself from negative people and their energy. I reclaim my power. I am free.”
4. Use EFT/Tapping, a powerful mindset technique. As an EFT/tapping expert, I’ve found it highly effective in reducing/releasing negative energy for myself and my clients.
5. Use neuroscience to ask yourself, “what is really true about the situation/person?” Focusing on the facts instead of the story you tell yourself reduces the other person’s power over you.
Toxic and negative people are obstacles to a productive and healthy life. If these types of people are knocking you off course, let me help you diminish their power and let you shine in your Brilliance.
Be Brilliant,

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching
P.S. Learn to show up in your brilliance every day. Schedule a time to learn more about my coaching services.
P.P.S. Have you checked out all of the FREE RESOURCES available for you? There are meditations, tapping videos, training, and much more!