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Can you believe it’s time to start planning for 2021? Considering each day of 2020 blended into the next, it’s almost   surreal to find ourselves in December and closing out this crazy year!

One of my favorite actions to take with clients is to help them write and set their next quarter’s goals. There is nothing I love more than celebrating when they reach or exceed their goals because they’ve done the necessary work and preparation.

Planning for your future success is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Below are a few questions and instructions that I share with my clients to reach their goals:

  1. What do you want to achieve in 2021? What is realistic yet also a stretch? (One of the most important things my clients have learned this year is to make what’s most important to them a priority.)
  2. Be specific about what you want to achieve, create, and manifest in your life.
  3. Release the “shoulds” and focus on what lights you up.
  4. Complete this vision with “let this or something better come into my life.”

Now, put this all together in written paragraph form. (Did you know that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down?) Read it out loud to yourself. Congratulations! You have your vision statement for the upcoming year.

Does it make you happy and excited to think about all of that coming true in your life? If not, what do you need to change? Go back and re-write those missing pieces.

Here’s the second critical piece to pay attention to.

What fears and doubts do you have about what you’ve just written?

Some of the common negative thoughts I hear from clients are:

  • I don’t have the time
  • It will never come true
  • I’ve tried in the past and it didn’t happen
  • I don’t know how to do this
  • It will be too difficult
  • And, so on.

Make a list of what thoughts are holding you back. How much have they interfered with your success in the past? How much do you think they will interfere with your success going forward? Be honest. If you ignore these things, they will continue to be there, holding you back. However, remove your roadblocks and everything changes. You’ll attract more abundance, more opportunities, more success, and feel so much happier!

Make a plan to work through these obstacles and release them. As this is difficult work to do on your own, you may want to get support. Often, it’s the blocks that we aren’t even aware of that cause us the most difficulty. Schedule a time to learn more about my coaching services by clicking here.

Planning is the first step. Carrying out your plans to completion is next and makes all the difference.

Be Brilliant,



Kate Beeders

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching


P.S. Everything is energy. Keep your energy clean and positive and notice what you attract back into your life! Schedule a time to learn more about my coaching services.
P.P.S. Have you checked out all of the FREE RESOURCES available for you? There are meditations, tapping videos, trainings and much more!