Starting a new year and a new decade is a big deal for so many. As time flies by so quickly, let’s make sure you have the right actions in place to set you up for more success than ever.
- Vision Statement: Do you have a “vision statement” that feels wholly aligned with where you want to go over the next few years? It’s essential to make sure that it matches what’s in your heart (not just what’s in your head of what you think you’re supposed to want).
Morning Routine: I teach my clients the importance of being grounded because it helps them come from a place of power instead of fear. Having a morning routine that strengthens that muscle will empower you to accomplish your to-do list. Whether your routine takes 5 minutes or an hour, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you daily participate in whatever helps you feel that your feet are planted firmly on the ground.
- Accountability: I know some of you are shaking your head on this one. Even a “reformed Type-A/over-achiever” needs accountability because it’s so easy to let things slide by and not get accomplished. There are lots of different forms for checking in: online, in person, in a group, and more. Make sure you choose one option that you feel will work best for you.
- Surrounded by the Right Community: This is huge, yet most people ignore where they are sharing their dreams and desires. As a previous client of mine described it, think of this as your private country club where people need admission to be part of your inner circle. I describe this in more detail in my latest book: “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance”.
- Support Where Needed: Get the best support you can so you can focus on what’s most important to you. For example, it could be finding a laundromat to take care of your weekly laundry so you don’t have to or a virtual assistant to help you run your daily business. You can find people to help you with everything, so don’t get bogged down with activities that drain your energy. I know I have the best team ever. It took a while to build it, so be patient as you search.
- Quarterly and Yearly Plan: Create an outline of what you want to accomplish this year; i.e., all the activities you plan on doing, including when and where. Also, include your vacation and time off. If you’re a more seasoned entrepreneur, you’ll also want to add your social media plan. In the Brilliance Coaching Program, I have my clients break this down into quarters because it’s easier to stay on track. A more experienced entrepreneur will also want to include a financial plan. This action allows you to become aware of upcoming expenses and make sure you’re putting together the needed activities to bring in that income. If you don’t know how to do anything of this, ask your coach (or me).
- Calendar to Block Off Planning/Strategy Time: The truth is you can’t keep this all in your head, and you don’t want lots of scraps of paper or sticky notes. There’s an expression I learned in the corporate world, which I still love. “Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.” The more organized you are, the more likely you are to achieve your goals. Also, a hint: while blocking off time, include regular strategy time to allow space to work “on” your business instead of “in” your business.
- Reward System: Many people make the mistake of waiting until they “finally” reach a goal to celebrate. I’m suggesting that you create milestones as you go along and celebrate each one. It might be as simple as doing a “happy dance.” It’s essential to acknowledge the work put into each step.
- Priority Education Plan: Most of us are avid learners. What’s most vital for you to learn this year to up-level your knowledge? Make sure you plan on attending one of my upcoming events for the best in mindset and strategy. (Teaser: I am known for attracting the best community at my events. Plus, I will feed you delicious food!)
- Hire the Best Coach/Mentor: By now, you should recognize the importance of having the best coach/mentor to support your growth and understand that you can’t do it alone. It’s a requirement if you want to expedite your success. Always make sure you feel aligned with this person and their style of coaching. Being incredibly results-driven, I talk to anyone considering coaching with me prior to enrolling them because I want to make sure I’m the right fit for them (and for me).
BONUS! Savings Plan: If you’ve been around for a few years, you should be creating both a savings and profitability plan. It’s typically too difficult to accomplish in the first years as your expenses generally are at their highest compared to income. However, after that, you should be incorporating this focus along within your plan.
You don’t need to wait for another year to begin. Start today to incorporate all of these actions into your business. You’ll be so happy that you did when you see your results at the end of 2020!
Be Brilliant,
Kate Beeders
International Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Breakthrough Success Expert
Leading Mindset Expert and Award-Winning Strategist
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