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Shhh…Private Sale

2014 is almost here.  How are you feeling about it?  Are you excited?  Nervous? Depressed? When you look back at 2013, did you accomplish all that you wanted?  Did you achieve the goals you set?  Did you make your numbers? This is an interesting time of year, one foot...

[Brilliance] Ready For A Raise?

The beauty of being an entrepreneur is we can determine our income.  One of the ways of the fastest ways raising your income is to give yourself a raise.   With the beginning of a new year, it’s time to think about if you want to do that. Here are a few questions to...

For 15 Entrepreneurs 0nly.

I don’t know about you, but I hate getting lost. It’s so unnerving to be driving through unfamiliar territory, squinting your eyes to read the street signs, only to miss the right turn and drive 2-3 miles in the wrong direction before you can safely make a u-turn,...

Thanksgiving Gratitude List (and Tapping Video)

Happy Thanksgiving to all of us in the U.S. My favorite holiday with a lot to be grateful for.  Including yesterday’s travel to see my family. Here’s my gratitude list from yesterday, the busiest travel day of the year! 1. I was booked on the train to visit family...

(Brilliance) 3 Important Ways To Increase Your Sale Conversion Calls

This is a very important topic.  The way to get more clients is to get in front of them and talk to them.  It sounds pretty basic, right?  But, a lot of entrepreneurs miss the boat on this and then complain that “no one” is signing up to work with them. How are you...

Top 3 Action Steps For More Success

This subject is so very much a part of my mission and so near and dear to my heart.  I love to teach entrepreneurs how to make success even sweeter! In society, you’re often taught that we’ll be happier if you’re successful and making a lot of money.   Following that...