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Top 3 Action Steps For More Success

This subject is so very much a part of my mission and so near and dear to my heart.  I love to teach entrepreneurs how to make success even sweeter! In society, you’re often taught that we’ll be happier if you’re successful and making a lot of money.   Following that...

[Brilliance] Your Choice. Depressed Or Ecstatic!

We’re getting close to the end of the year.  Are you happy with how 2013 went for you?  Or are you wishing and hoping for better next time around? I’ll tell you a secret.  Next year is going to happen no matter what you do.  It’s really up to you if you’re going to...

Could You Survive The Shark Tank (or would you be eaten alive)?

If this isn’t an interesting topic, I don’t know what is. You can learn a lot about business success on Shark Tank.  For those of you who haven’t watched it, aspiring entrepreneurs come on the show asking for funds to grow their business.  Some contestants...

Tired Of Getting Lost In The Crowd?

Here’s a list of my clients and colleagues complaints about group coaching programs. – The group is so big that the coach doesn’t even know their name – It’s a “content” course, not a coaching course – The course is taught with only one way in...

[Brilliance] 10 Important Benefits You May Have Forgotten (aka- The Joys of Being an Entrepreneur)

 The strangest thing happened to me the other day.  I was invited to the Cape (aka Cape Cod for those of you outside Massachusetts), and my response was I needed to check my schedule.  Wow!  That response stopped me dead in my tracks.   The invitation was for 3 weeks...