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Last week, I read an article about playing specific games with older dogs to help keep them interested and engaged.  It was a simple game.  Cut a hole at the top of the cups and put a treat hidden in the cup.  The object of the game was for the dog to find the treat. I was excited to try this game and envisioned how much Cali (my most adorable 15-year-old Cairn Terrier) would love it!

This formula is known as the Law of Gestation.  Things have to grow.  You don’t plant a seed and expect a flower the next minute; it’s the same with what you do in life.  Those seeds need to be watered, planted in soil, receive plant food and sunlight.

This activity appeared to be a winner!

Well, the first time we played, Cali had no interest.  I started thinking that maybe this would be a waste of time — the same lack of response on day 2 of trying.  What you need to understand is that Cali is a super-smart dog and I figured maybe this wouldn’t work for her.  But, I decided to try again on day 3.  Cali had a blast and didn’t want to stop playing the game.  I had to keep putting treat after treat under the cups for her to find (and of course, eat!). 

I know so many people who are enthusiastic when they first start a project.  The instant they don’t get the response they desire, they fizzle out and stop.  I realize our society has conditioned us to expect immediate gratification; however, that isn’t always going to happen.  Ultimately, when you quit too soon, you are throwing away your dreams.  Making next time that much harder to get going as you know have a story in your library of how something failed.

Here’s what I’d like to suggest to you instead

When things don’t happen in the time frame you desire, you don’t have an abundant mindset, not taking appropriate action or are giving this enough time. 

  • The next time you make a “sales” call and the person says “no,” make another call.
  • The next time you start a project, and you hit a difficulty, continue moving forward.
  • The next time you go off course with new behavior, get yourself back on.

Don’t quit.

  • Check your mindset.  Are you in a place of abundance or scarcity?
  • Are you taking the “correct” next action (or are you following “bright shiny object” syndrome)?
  • Did you allow adequate time for this to happen?

Everyone needs support to move forward.   It’s difficult to “see” through your own lense where you’re sabotaging your success.  Let’s talk so you can learn how working with me will help you overcome these obstacles.

Now, when Cali and I play this game, she is unstoppable.  Let’s make you unstoppable, too!

Contact my team today.

Be Brilliant,

Kate Beeders, The Breakthrough Success Expert and Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™

Tap into Your Zone of Brilliance and Breakthrough Your Financial Glass Ceiling

Check out my newly released book “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance”


Do you ever get frustrated because you’re not able to accomplish what you want each day?

Instead, you notice that you’re easily distracted and overwhelmed. When that happens, like most of us, you’ll find a reason to procrastinate. As a result, all of those dreams and visions you have for your life become a distant memory and become harder to reach.

For faster success, use your Brilliant Success Journal daily. 
Learn more.

50% of profits go to Angell-MSPCA


November 7-8, 2019: Success Acceleration Retreat Boston – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing

February 5-7, 2020: Success Acceleration Retreat Cancun – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing