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One of the best action steps I have ever taken to grow my business and exceed my 20163347_smoney goal was to track my money every day.  I still do.  Every day.

Truthfully, when I first started doing this, I wasn’t so thrilled with it.  I had a love-hate relationship with tracking my money.

I hated the days that had “0” with no income coming in.  I even started to resent that sheet.  Some days I refused to look at it.  I didn’t want to admit failure.

Every time, I wrote a “0” on that sheet it was a reminder of what I wasn’t achieving.  So, you can understand why I was avoiding this whenever possible.

However, the days that money was coming in, I loved my sheet and thought it was the best thing ever!  Woo Hoo!  I was doing the happy dance and so proud of myself.

I ended up having a mixed relationship with tracking my money and as a result, a mixed results with bringing in money.

As I was able to shift my mindset more positively to tracking daily, my money starting coming in more regularly.  I did the hard work with my coach to release my negative thoughts and things changed. Interesting, how that works.

The Laws of Attraction state that what you focus on expands.  I focused on daily money and that’s what I received.

The same thing is going on with the “diet” industry.  Latest studies are now saying if you want to lose weight, you should weigh yourself everyday and you will get better results.  Previously, it was suggested to get on the scale once a week at the same time.  Again, the reason is to have the daily focus of what you want to accomplish.

I’m going to challenge you in 2015 to track your money daily so you can be on track to reach your money goal.  You’ll probably also have a bit of that love-hate thing going on, too.  However, if you can work through your mindset blocks, you will most certainly see the results you want.  Possibly even faster than you expected!

Be Brilliant,

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Kate Beeders

Mindset, Money & Marketing Expert

P.S.  Many of my clients were resistant to tracking their money daily.  Want to learn how I helped them through that so they were able to up level their income faster?  Apply for a Money Breakthrough session at http://www.tinyurl.com/moneybreak