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If you have ever received an email or ezine from me, you will notice that I sign off by saying “Be Brilliant”.  I receive a lot of interesting comments about that.  When I took that as my signature, it was because it meant several different things to me as a solopreneur.

Here’s the dictionary definition:

 1. 1 (of light or color) very bright and radiant.

2 exceptionally clever or talented: a brilliant young mathematician | a brilliant idea.

• outstanding; impressive: his brilliant career at Harvard.

• Brit. informal very good, excellent, or marvelous: we had a brilliant time | [ as exclamation ] :

The message I am sending is to remind people to get out there and shine.  Be radiant.  Be the best you can be.  This is your time.  This is your life.  Don’t waste it!


Here are a few Success Tips to help you become “Brilliant”:

1)    Save the emails that you get from clients and friends that are especially nice.  Create a special folder in your inbox to store them.  Make a point of reading them at least once a week so you stay focused on your gift.

2)   Create your own signature line that states how you feel and the message you want to get across to others.  It should be something personal that you have created and designed to reflect exactly who you are.  Don’t use my signature line, as we’re all different.  The more original you are, the better!

3)    Take action.  Find that resource that you need that will help move you forward to become more “Brilliant”.  It’s time to stop playing small and get your gift out into the world in a much bigger way!  Perhaps, that is something I can help you with.  Fill out this brief questionnaire and apply for a complimentary Discovery Session where we focus on what it takes to make You More Brilliant!  Here’s the link to get into action: http://4077538.polldaddy.com/s/success-coaching-with-kate-1

Please take a minute and post how you get your brilliance out into the world.