I was kind of annoyed. I hired a coach to help me lose what I’m affectionately calling my “bereavement weight” and depending on the day; I wanted to lose 10-15 pounds. Not a huge amount, but enough to annoy me and make me feel uncomfortable. Sugar was my friend (? seriously?) when I was going through the initial stages of grief.
So far, I’m down five pounds and in some ways (also known as “weighs” – haha) was easier than I thought and also was more difficult than I thought.
Let me explain the “more difficult” part as I believe this will help you in an area you’re feeling stuck.
Maybe there’s something you’ve been trying to do for a while:
- Attract more clients?
- Hire an ideal team member?
- Increase your income?
- And, so on…
You’ve been feeling frustrated because you’re not getting the results you’d like. You get impatient and think it will never happen for you. Maybe, you even decide you’re not worthy of this or not good enough to have this new level of abundance?
In my recent experience, I took off a few pounds right away, and then the scale stayed stuck. My weight was already plateauing, yet I had barely begun. Maybe the scale was defective? Maybe the floor wasn’t level? Maybe I need to weigh myself a few more times today?
I started to think that I would never reach my goal and that I was wasting my time. Yup, even though, I’m a mindset expert, we all have negative thoughts. The difference is in how I deal with them.
I was open to my coach and shared my feelings. She suggested finding another way to measure success. Perhaps, in noticing how my clothes felt (yes, they were feeling looser again). Perhaps, in finding an article of clothing I wanted to wear at my desired weight and using that to measure my progress instead of the scale.
Mindset shift.
I am reframing how I viewed success!
Bam! Reframing is what I teach my clients when they’re feeling stuck when trying to reach their goal. Find a different way of measuring their success.
How can you reframe how you’re viewing your progress?
Once you do, you’ll find the success coming to you even faster.
If you stay stuck with the belief that it can only show up a certain way, often it can be like watching water boil.
If you think your only measure of success is the number in your bank account, you will keep yourself stuck longer than necessary.
Don’t stop.
Don’t give up.
Be open to the reframe. The Universe is there to give you more abundance.
I lost another 2 pounds!
As you can see, even an expert like me needs help. There’s an old expression that you can’t see the tip of your own nose. How true that is. Need help reframing and getting on track? If you’re ready to have a conversation about what your breakthrough would look like when you hire me as your coach, email my team at [email protected]
Now my clients can get focused and crystal clear on when to say “yes”. They’re happier and enjoy their days much more.
A huge bonus is that their results come so much faster. That is because they’re pushing all of the “crap” (excuse my language) out of the way.
Try it!
All of this is a practice. If I can be of service and you want to hire a coach to help you have more success in your business, contact my team at [email protected].
Be Brilliant,
Kate Beeders, The Breakthrough Success Expert and Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™
Tap into Your Zone of Brilliance and Breakthrough Your Financial Glass Ceiling
Check out my newly released book “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance”
P.S. Registration pricing is going up September 1st for the Success Acceleration Retreat. Check out the details here.
Do you ever get frustrated because you’re not able to accomplish what you want each day?Instead, you notice that you’re easily distracted and overwhelmed. When that happens, like most of us, you’ll find a reason to procrastinate. As a result, all of those dreams and visions you have for your life become a distant memory and become harder to reach. For faster success, use your Brilliant Success Journal daily. 50% of profits go to Angell-MSPCA |
WHAT’S NEWOctober 29-30, 2019: Success Acceleration Retreat Boston – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing February 5-7, 2020: Success Acceleration Retreat Cancun – sign up today for Early Bird Pricing |