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Did you watch the two hour premier of Downton Abbey? Shirley MacLaine made her  much anticipated appearance on the show and even sang!  Interestingly enough, my Dad met her on Malibu Beach many years ago, (and spoken like a true Dentist) commented that “she had the most beautiful smile”.

Money was a big topic on the show last night, as the Crawley family just received news they had lost most of their money through bad investments.  This could result in them losing Downton Abbey, their beloved home.  Since my expertise is helping solopreneurs make more money quickly, I focused on the “money” aspect of the plot. 

 It was interesting watching how the characters dealt with the news of this financial loss and possible ruin.  (What fun is the show if there’s no drama!) Some family members were in denial – they still had to have the best clothes, and throw the best parties.  Lord Grantham immediately went into a place of fear by constricting and tightening his belt and watching over every expense.   This situation almost resulted in a marriage not happening. And, Shirley MacLaine’s character,  being the free-thinker and the “American“, thought the family needed to refocus their priorities and start to live differently. 

Now, what I found so interesting is that how they dealt with this problem is how many solopreneurs deal with their financial challenges.  

Which character are you when facing money problems?

-Do you constrict, pull back and not spend money?

Lord Grantham started questioning every expense and stopped hiring household staff.  Some entrepreneurs tend to tighten their belt so much that they constrict their business even more.  There’s truth to that old saying that “you have to spend money to make money”.   Often, I’ll hear from solopreneurs that they “can’t afford it”…but, what I find is that when they’re at the point where it really is important for them to grow, they’ll find the money.  The money always turns up!  And, that money invested in their business and themselves will grow exponentially.  The solopreneurs who don’t spend, even when times are tight, are typically the ones who’s businesses stay static – or worse, go backwards.  It’s important in business to always be going in the forward motion. 

-Do you put your head in the sand and act like nothing is wrong?

Cora Crowley, Countess of Grantham, was spending outlandish amounts on her daughter’s wedding and planning big elaborate parties.  There’s good and bad to handling things this way.   Following the Law of Attraction, it’s important to focus on what you want to happen and not on the negative experience as that will only bring more of that on.  However, you don’t want to be financially irresponsible, either.   



-Do you scheme or look for someone to “rescue” you? 

Both The Dowager Countess of Grantham and Mary did a bit of scheming to see if they could get money from Shirley MacLaine’s character.  Many solopreneurs have told me that they get support from family members as they build their business.  That’s fine as long as you’re honest with the people you’re getting money from and also that you see that it’s a short term solution. Everyone can use a leg up when they’re first starting out.   If this situation continues month after month, perhaps, you need to take a good hard look at your business, see what you are doing right, what you are doing wrong, and get into very fast action to make changes.  


-Do you feel uncomfortable when you receive money?

 Matthew Crawley was in line to inherit a lot of money.  This money could significantly help his family.  Energetically (although, that wouldn’t have been a word he would have used) he didn’t want the money.  He didn’t want anything to do with that money as he felt he didn’t deserve it.  How do you feel when clients/customers want to invest in your services/products?  Do you feel excited that you’re going to be able to help that person …or do you feel that deep down you don’t deserve that money  (perhaps, because what you’re offering isn’t good enough?)  Your abundance won’t flow the way you’d like until you clear out those money blocks. 


-Are you able to discuss money with your family?

Mary, almost didn’t get married as she and her fiancée, Matthew, couldn’t come to agreement on how to spend money he might receive.   Many solopreneurs are uncomfortable talking about money with their spouse/partner.  Either they argue or avoid the discussion.  It is important to decide how you’re handling the money.  Is it your money?  Her money?  His money?  Our money?   

The same would apply with a joint venture (JV) partner as many solopreneurs don’t have the discussion up front as to how to handle the money, who is responsible for what, how the money is to be split, etc.  It’s your choice how to handle it, but it is important to be clear about this issue before starting the project. 

-Do you come up with a new game plan on how to proceed?

When you hit a financial road block, how do you proceed?   Do you keep trying to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results (Einstein’s definition of insanity) or do you try something new?  The best thing to do when you hit a road block is to pull in your resources and talk to your coach or mentor.  I’ve done this and been very grateful for their advice on how to move forward and get the abundance flowing back in again.  Very often, we’re too close to really see what’s going on and our coaches can “zero in” on the problem and give us the exact solution we need. 


How would you handle a financial set back ?  How do you think Downton Abbey will handle it in upcoming episodes?  Which character will prevail?

If you’d like help to up-level your business in 2013, and for once and for all, become really comfortable with money, send me a personal email at [email protected].

Stay tuned….(this is the third of a series) and I’ll be sharing more of my thoughts on how Downton Abbey relates to our business success through out Season 3.  

Be Brilliant,





Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert

….Specializing in helping entrepreneurs get unstuck, get into action & get the cash flowing!!!


P.S.  Kick 2013 off with a BANG!  If you’d like help with that so you can FINALLY get on track to up-level your business this year, sign up for a Success Acceleration Session.

Because I’m all about fast action and fast results, sign up by January 13 and use this coupon to save $100.    ” SAS100NOW”