Did you ever wonder what Successful Enrepreneurs have in common? Do you wonder what they’re doing (that you aren’t)?
I’ve noticed that my radio guests, who are leading experts in their fields have similar habits in how they approach reaching success in their business. I want to share the 5 top habits with you.
1) They surround themselves with like-minded successful people. One of my mantras since I started my business was to “soar with the eagles”. Look around at who is in your inner circle. Are they supportive of you? Do you have respect for what the work they are doing? Do they have respect for your work? If you associate with people who are always complaining or worried, their negative energy will start to bring you down. You’ve probably heard this example before that tennis players always like to play with someone who’s at least as good – if not, better, than them, so they can improve their game. The same applies in your business.
2) Highly successful entrepreneurs take risks. They know what they want to achieve and they’re able to take the action steps necessary to get there (even if it seems “scary”). Recently, I launched my Quick Cash Infusion Tele course again. In the first video I put out promoting the tele series, I talked about how I was a bit of a “perfectionist” but that I had decided to launch this program, even though the sales page wasn’t “perfect”. (Boy, that was a bit hard to admit). I could have waited, but that would have meant that entrepreneurs would have waited to take the course, too. Being a heart-centered entrepreneur, what made most sense to me was to trust in what I was doing knowing that everything would work out. Interestingly enough, my sales page was corrected within a day. Funny how those things happen. 😀 People signed up for the course and are thrilled to have enrolled. (And I can’t wait for them to get the great results!). Also, it was very cool to hear back from people who watched the video and to learn that my “confession” about “perfectionism” helped get them into action! Woo hoo!!!
3) Be strategic. When I was working in the corporate world, I heard this expression (and pardon my language) “Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance”. This is so true. When you take the time to plan and be organized you’re more likely to have good results. This sounds so basic, but so many entrepreneurs run their business by the seat of their pants. They don’t take the time to create a marketing plan. When you don’t plan you aren’t able to forecast your income. When you don’t plan, you’ll often find your income rising and falling. Your income is often unpredictable. That puts you in a state of desperation, instead of being in control. When you plan (and are organized) you’re also more creative and more likely to do better work which means better results.
4) Delegate and get support. Successful entrepreneurs know when to delegate and get things off of their plate so they can concentrate and focus on what they’re best at. By delegating, this frees them up to do what they’re the best at. This is where they’re the most creative. This is where the money is. This is where they’re happiest. Successful entrepreneurs also hire people to teach them what they don’t know. They hire coaches (many have multiple coaches to help them in various areas). These entrepreneurs have a goal…a vision.. of what they want their business to look like and they want someone to help them get there faster and easier than they would do it alone. Even though, I’m an expert in mindset and marketing, I work with coaches. I want results faster than I could get on my own.
5) Believe. Simply said, Successful entrepreneurs believe they will reach their goals. They may not always know all of the details of how it will happen or when exactly it will happen, but they have total confidence that it will. I certainly can resonate with that as an “accidental” entrepreneur, I didn’t really know all of the “ins and outs” of my journey, but I didn’t doubt my success would happen. And, on those occasions, when fears would creep in, I would “tap” to release the negative and bring back the positive. As my journey continues, I still don’t know know all of the “hows”…how it will happen?…how I will do it all?…and when I feel stuck, I “tap” with my coach.
If you’d like help with your business success, apply for a complimentary Discovery Session : http://www.tinyurl.com/discoveryKate