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Like many of you, I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey and have been eagerly awaiting this season to be on television.  Spoiler alert – you might not want to read this paragraph if you haven’t watched Season 3 – but, I promise not to give all of the details out.  Living in the States, I haven’t seen Season 3 yet, either, because it is just starting to air here, but I did read several articles about the show- one said that the actors who plays a major role on the series will be leaving at the end of this season and another article about another major character who dies during this season. (For those of you who are just starting to watch Season 3, I purposely left out the names of the cast members who will be leaving). 

Many of you have probably read similar articles and know which cast members I’m talking about, but I’m guessing that won’t stop you from watching the show.  It’s not stopping me.  In fact, I’m even more interested to see what happens.  Think about how many movies you’ve gone to see and you already had a pretty good idea about what would happen at the end.   

What if I told you that the first time you tried something new, it might not go perfectly?  Would you still do it?  Or would you not do it unless you could get the results you want? 

No matter what level or age our business is, we must always keep trying new things to help our business grow.   Our fears often get in the way and stop us.  Fear such as: 

-Holding a 2-hour workshop or a 2-day workshop (what if no one comes?)

-Writing a book (what if no one reads it?)

-Hiring new or additional resources (What if they don’t do a good job?)

-Creating or upgrading your programs (what if people think I’m too expensive?)

But, what if this happens:

-What if people come to your workshop?

-What if people read and like your book?

-What if you hire people who do a good job?

-What if people find value in your services and sign up?

Truthfully, when you try something new, your results could be anywhere from 0-100.  I’ve found the better prepared I am and by working with a great coach and great resources, I’m more likely to be closer to the higher side of success.  But, (spoiler alert), if you don’t try anything new, nothing will happen or change.

Here are 3 Success Tips to help you try something new: 

1)    In your marketing plan for 2013, include at least one new item each quarter to try in your business.  It could be something totally new (perhaps writing a book) or an improvement on something you’ve done in the past (upgrading your client offerings).

2)    Once you decided what you want to do, see what fears and doubts pop-up.  It’s important to clear them out, because if deep down you believe something might not work or it’s too hard to do, you’ll prove yourself right.  The technique that I’m an expert in and that I use with my clients to clear fears out is “tapping” – it’s a powerful and fast way to make mindset changes.

3)    Develop action steps to make these new things happen.  Find the best resources to help you with this so you’ll have a better likelihood of success. I find that this works best when you work an expert as you will be able to clear them out much faster than on your own. 

Since I’m so fascinated with this popular show and I think it can teach us so much, I’m going to be carrying this Downton Abbey theme out for the rest of the season and writing about it. This show portrays so many life lessons and I’m going to focus in on core values and how we can use that to our advantage.   I’m going to be talking about the challenges they face on the show and how they relate to our businesses.  Let’s see what we can learn from the show this season to have more successful businesses.   Enjoy the show tonight!

If you’d like help to up-level your business in 2013, send me a personal email at [email protected].

Be Brilliant,




Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert

….Specializing in helping entrepreneurs get unstuck, get into action & get the cash flowing!!!
