I’ll bet you didn’t know there would be some growing pain involved in having your own business? By pain, I’m talking about those fears and doubts that pop-up. I’ll bet you thought it would be smooth sailing upwards. That’s what I thought initially. But, every time I take the steps to up-level my business, there’s some pain. I experience it and so do my clients. This continues to happen every time we up-level although the process gets easier each time.
The reason for that is that we’re so much more at ease in our comfort zone – where we know what to expect, even if we don’t like it.
Think about all of the times you wanted to do something new in your business. Maybe you wanted to write a book and you started to take the steps towards it. Maybe you even enrolled in a course with an expert and learned how to write a book. But, in the end, you didn’t write your book. You had a hundred excuses….”it would take too much time”….”what if no one reads it”…..”what if it isn’t any good?”…all sorts of negative self-talk which stopped you in your tracks.
For example, one of my clients, “Anne”, told me that she had been writing a book for the last few years and just couldn’t finish it. She had three chapters to go. Anne wanted to write a book to use it as a platform for getting her message and expertise out to more people. She said at first the creativity was really flowing but after awhile, she would just sit at her desk and nothing would happen. Anne couldn’t think of what to write and what little she did write, she would end up deleting it.
Eventually, she stopped sitting at her desk to write. She was annoyed and frustrated with herself. After working together for a short while, Anne was able to sit at her desk and complete the book. It’s recently been published and she’s been on several television shows to talk about it. Anne is thrilled and very happy with what she’s accomplished.
What helped my client through the pain so she could up-level her business were a few Success Tips which I’d like to share with you:
- Envision yourself in the place you want to be. One of my clients would see herself after the project was completed and celebrating with friends. She could even see what outfit she was wearing, what she was drinking and where she was. Take a few minutes and journal what you see.
- Surround yourself with a wonderful mentor and great support. I was lucky enough to have a terrific coach and great friends who were there to listen when my fears and doubts kicked in.
- Clear out the “negative self-talk” and replace it with an internal cheerleader. These negative voices need to be cleared so you can move forward in an easy way. If you would like help with this process, apply for a Complimentary Discovery Session. During this time, we’ll uncover what is blocking you and what steps you need to take to move forward. Here’s the link to get started: http://tinyurl.com/discoveryKate
Please post below and share your experiences.
Be Brilliant,
Thanks for the encouraging words Kate. I am so ready for that first big up-level of my EFT business! Yes, I can see it now……