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Stress is at an all-time high right now. On the physical side, a startling (but not surprising) statistic is that at least 90% of all chronic illness begins with stress. From the psychological side, if you’re stressed, it is difficult to be creative, positive, focused, confident, and productive.

There are many ways to reduce stress and I want to focus on an area that hasn’t been talked about lately… forgiveness.

When we don’t forgive, we get angry and sometimes that shows up outwardly (yelling, screaming, fighting) and other times inwardly (sadness, fear, disappointment). Either way, you won’t be your brilliant self if you’re holding on to a lot of this destructive emotion. It zaps you of all of your amazingness and keeps you focused on the negative. By now, you know that mindset is at least 90% of your success (or failure).

Often, we’re not even aware of how people are letting us down. If you’re a people pleaser or have gotten used to being treated poorly, you may not even notice all of the times it happens.

Have people done the following to you?

  • Hurt you
  • Disappointed you
  • Ignored you
  • Lied to you
  • And so on

Here’s my special process to start letting go of the anger towards others so you can move forward.

  1. Make a list of people who have recently upset you. These can be people in your life or someone random who was disrespectful to you.


  1. Choose one person at a time.


  1. Picture their face


  1. State the following:

Breath In: (Name), I forgive you for not being how I wish you would be.

Breath Out: (Name), I forgive you and give you to the Universe

  1. Start with the next person on the list. (I recommend limiting yourself to no more than five people at one forgiveness sitting.)

When needed, I find it helpful to do this before going to sleep. The next morning, I wake up feeling lighter, more creative, focused, and happier. My clients have reported the same.

My forgiveness system is an excellent process for small traumas. For the bigger hurts, you need bigger tools and we definitely should work together. Schedule a time here to learn more.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that they were right. It only means that you are releasing it from your energy to focus on the better things in your life. Be Brilliant instead!

Be Brilliant,



Kate Beeders

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching


P.S. Everything is energy. Keep your energy clean and positive and notice what you attract back into your life! Schedule a time to learn more about my coaching services.
P.P.S. Have you checked out all of the FREE RESOURCES available for you? There are meditations, tapping videos, trainings and much more!