Early Bird Tickets Available! Save $700Yes! I want to GO!!!

6777602_s2014 is almost here.  How are you feeling about it?  Are you excited?  Nervous? Depressed?

When you look back at 2013, did you accomplish all that you wanted?  Did you achieve the goals you set?  Did you make your numbers?

This is an interesting time of year, one foot in the present and one foot in the future.  I’d like to help make 2014 the best year ever for you.   You’re receiving this email because we either currently work together or have in the past.

You know there are blocks keeping you stuck from having the business and life you really want.   You also know everyone has blocks.  These are the places that keep us stuck (or worse, take us backwards!).

Which of these are still on your list?

  • Stress and overwhelm
  • Not enough hours in the day
  • Lack of boundaries and being able to say “no
  • Not charging what you’re worth
  • Fear of putting yourself out in a bigger way
  • Not knowing how to do create things, such as: programs/products
  • Disappointment and frustration from past experiences
  • Lack of self-confidence
  • Scared of failing
  • Perfectionism
  • Fear of rejection
  • Bright Shiny Object” Syndrome
  • Fear of Public Speaking
  • Mindset of scarcity and lack
  • Afraid to claim your deepest desires so you play it small
  • Old money blocks and money stories (all of that stuff from your childhood)
  • Not believing you really deserve success
  • This list can go on and on…

One of the best things I learned from previous employers was to take good care of current and past clients.   I’d like to help you shorten that list so you go into 2014 more likely to succeed.

I’m holding a very special, secret sale for entrepreneurs just like you where we can work together one-to-one and get you on track.  The sale ends this Wednesday, December 18th at midnight. 

You know the power of my work. 

We’ve connected and you’ve seen me in action.  You know how quickly the results happen.  Let’s roll up our sleeves together and get you where you need to to.

If you’re ready to make 2014 a breakout year for you, click here:  http://katebeeders.com/privatesale

Be Brilliant,
P.S.  This private sale ends this Wednesday, December 18th at midnight.  Up-level your business here:  http://katebeeders.com/privatesale