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People are scared, angry, anxious, and shocked by the atrocities and attacks on and in Israel, whether or not they are Jewish. Every day, the headlines bring more horrors. A recent headline read: “Children found butchered in an Israeli kibbutz.” 

Israel is at war with the Hamas monsters, not the innocent people of Gaza.


Many people have friends and family in Israel and are concerned about their safety.

We’re scared for the 120+ hostages Hamas took to Gaza. The news reports that the hostages have been killed, raped, assaulted, and physically and mentally abused. 

We’re seeing a rise in antisemitism, which is also frightening. Thankfully, many police departments and officials are putting out statements and offering additional support to protect us from violence. Local schools are even informing parents that their children’s mental health during this time is a priority. 


#1 PUT OUT A STATEMENT to let your employees know that their mental health is a priority during this time and that there is support for them with whatever resources you offer. 

#2 ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS, BE KIND AND EMPATHETIC. You never know what someone is going through or what news they may have learned about a loved one. Listen, if they want to speak and don’t judge their feelings or try to “rationalize” them. 

#3 GIVE BACK. Find an organization that supports your beliefs and donate. Whether it’s $5 or $500, it is appreciated by the organization and will raise your ENDORPHINS while reducing your stress. Thank you to the companies that have already donated or made statements condoning the violent acts of Hamas on Israel. 

#4 On a PERSONAL LEVEL, limit your time watching TV or online updates. Instead of continually checking your phone, plan for news updates at certain daily intervals. Your brain needs a rest to process what it is taking in. 

As I taught during my stress reduction workshops during the height of COVID-19, we become addicted to the news (through our DOPAMINE hormones, similar to being addicted to caffeine or nicotine). As a result, it can become impossible to stop checking. 

#5 BE SELECTIVE of your news sources and who you have conversations with. I recommend limiting these conversations to a core group of people.

#5 SELF-CARE is critical now. Ensure you get 8 hours of sleep and some form of daily exercise, even if it’s a 10-minute walk. Limit your sugar and caffeine intake so it doesn’t exceed what is standard, as you want to avoid “sugar highs” and the “crashing down” that follows.

#6: ENSURE your DEI program includes the problem of rising antisemitism and how to make your employees safe. The Anti-Defemation League offers helpful resources.

These strategies will help you and your co-workers. Lowering our stress levels makes us more focused, productive, strategic, and calmer. It’s good for our brain and our health.

How are you supporting your employees during this terrible time?

Be Brilliant,


Kate Beeders 

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching

#IStandWithIsrael 🇺🇸🇮🇱