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How did your calls go? How many did you make? It’s exciting to hear about all of the action you’re taking.

This is so worth the action and time you’re investing to have your Quick Cash Infusions.

Let me share some results from others I have taken through this process:

“I called my husband 3 times within an hour to tell him I had just booked another client! “

I had the best month of my business during the month of July. One day I called my husband 3 times within an hour to tell him I had just booked another client! Secondly, I found the tapping very useful in helping me feel calm and focused which is huge for a busy entrepreneur.

I loved the environment Kate created within the community of participants. There was so much positive energy I felt really encouraged and supported. Most importantly, however, I found Kate to be a very warm, energetic and savvy mentor. Brava Kate! Thanks so much.

Heather Poduska  clearvoicebranding.com

 “I was able to feel confident and clear about the decision I wanted to make to bring my business to the next income level”

Kate’s Quick Cash Infusion was more powerful than I’d expected. When she told us the secret to manifesting a quick infusion I have to admit that I was skeptical. But I went through the exercises she taught us and I began and within 3 days I received a cash infusion of $2,400 in the form of a new client. On Friday I attended Kate’s event and the next Monday I attended another. It was at that event that I met a woman who decided to work with me on the spot. It wasn’t the first time I’ve had quick results from working with Kate, it’s very powerful and fast acting work! Thanks Kate!!

Jeannie Spiro  JeannieSpiro.c

“This course is so working for me”

“I just hung up with our son who called to ask how he could best pay back $1200 he owes us and I was interrupted during the call to accept a couples’s registration for a workshop I’m offering. YEAH!!”

Kathleen Hennessey,  Peacework-Coaching, Switzerland 

Now, I have to admit that many of these people were skeptical when they first started the process and when they saw how quickly they got the results they were totally won over.

Today, I want you to continue taking action with the phone calls.

You may be having some additional blocks pop up as you’re making the calls. If you’re reaching people successful, you’re feeling on fire. If you’re having a hard time connecting, your self-confidence could be taking a hit and you may become resistant to moving forward.

Write down those new blocks that have appeared. As we continue on, I will be sharing with you how to reduce and release them so you can take the action needed to get the results you want.

Keep sharing your results with everyone who is part of this on the page.

Be Brilliant






Kate Beeders

P.S. Every day you stay focused on your Quick Cash Infusion brings you that much closer to getting the results you want. Share your results here: http://katebeeders.com/cash7day

P.S.S.  You’re going to love tomorrow’s Cash Infusion Tip. Check your email first thing!