My Dad recently passed away. So many people were around to support me. Many said: “I’m sorry for your loss” which if you’ve ever grieved, is almost like saying “have a nice day”. It really doesn’t mean anything. However, as young children, we’re taught this is the polite thing to say and frankly, many of us never learn anything more.
We’re also taught to not put our elbows on the table, to say “please” and “thank you” and an assortment of other things. We also learn to “respect authority” and not “talk back”.
But could these same good manners be stopping your flow of cash?
I’ve been teaching sales conversations to hundreds and hundreds of clients over the years because sales conversations are the fastest path to cash.
One of the biggest areas that most get stuck in this area is in overcoming the “objections”.
Why is that?
Several reasons. The first is not knowing what to say when someone objects. The second goes back to what you were taught as a child…don’t talk back, don’t argue and avoid conflict. But possibly the biggest… drum roll, please… not wanting anyone to dislike you.
No wonder you aren’t overcoming objections. Too many negative voices bouncing around in your head!
Take some time to reflect on what is holding you back. Awareness is the first step. The second is to make that shift by:
- Learning what to say
- Releasing those old beliefs of how to “behave”
- Mastering sales
Growing your income
Be Brilliant,
Kate Beeders, Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™
Attracting Clients is Easy When You Let Your True Brilliance Shine
P.S. Join me at Conversations To Clients Live™
Sometimes it is hard for me to be “business like”, and not be too friendly. I know people want a professional, not a friend, but it’s something I am conscious of.
Ruth, thanks for your thoughts. It can be tricky to find that balance…friendly vs professional.
I’ll take “I’m sorry for your loss” any day over not saying anything because the person is afraid to say the wrong thing.
That’s a very valid point, Jen. Thanks for sharing. For me, this was the first time experiencing such a close loss and I was (an am) extremely sensitive to what people say and how they say it – meaning was their heart in it, or were they just saying it.