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(Thoughts for 2013) How Downton Abbey solves their money problems

Did you watch the two hour premier of Downton Abbey? Shirley MacLaine made her  much anticipated appearance on the show and even sang!  Interestingly enough, my Dad met her on Malibu Beach many years ago, (and spoken like a true Dentist) commented that “she had the...

(Thoughts for 2013) How Downton Abbey can relate to your Success

Like many of you, I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey and have been eagerly awaiting this season to be on television.  Spoiler alert – you might not want to read this paragraph if you haven’t watched Season 3 – but, I promise not to give all of the details out.  Living in...

(Success Tips) It Doesn’t Have to be Perfect…to be Perfect

Recently, I surprised my friend for his birthday.  The plan was to show up at his door with a delicious cake – lemon (his favorite flavor), mylar birthday balloon and my big smile.  Well, everything went according to plan – except, that when I got out of the car,...