by Kate Beeders | Jan 7, 2013 | Business & Money, Business Success, Client Atrraction, Confidence, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Success Coaching, Success Tips
Did you watch the two hour premier of Downton Abbey? Shirley MacLaine made her much anticipated appearance on the show and even sang! Interestingly enough, my Dad met her on Malibu Beach many years ago, (and spoken like a true Dentist) commented that “she had the...
by Kate Beeders | Jan 6, 2013 | Business & Money, Business Success, Client Atrraction, Confidence, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Success Coaching, Success Tips
Like many of you, I’m a huge fan of Downton Abbey and have been eagerly awaiting this season to be on television. Spoiler alert – you might not want to read this paragraph if you haven’t watched Season 3 – but, I promise not to give all of the details out. Living in...
by Kate Beeders | Jan 3, 2013 | Law of Attraction, Procrastination, Success Coaching, Success Tips
Season 3 of Downton Abbey on Masterpiece Theatre is starting in the U.S. this Sunday. It is one of the hottest, most popular television shows on. If you haven’t seen it, basically, it takes place in England, around the time of World War 1, and involves the stories...
by Kate Beeders | Dec 10, 2012 | Business Success, Confidence, Goal Setting, Law of Attraction, Success Coaching, Success Tips
I’ll bet you didn’t know there would be some growing pain involved in having your own business? By pain, I’m talking about those fears and doubts that pop-up. I’ll bet you thought it would be smooth sailing upwards. That’s what I thought initially. But, every...
by Kate Beeders | Nov 25, 2012 | Business Success, Confidence, Law of Attraction, Procrastination, Success Tips
“What would you attempt to do if you knew could not fail?” This quote by Robert Schuller is one of my favorites as it allows us to think about what it would be like to be free to do whatever we would like to do and not be held back by our mindset blocks. ...
by Kate Beeders | Nov 23, 2012 | Confidence, Law of Attraction, Meridian Tapping Techniques, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Success Coaching, Success Tips, tapping
Recently, I surprised my friend for his birthday. The plan was to show up at his door with a delicious cake – lemon (his favorite flavor), mylar birthday balloon and my big smile. Well, everything went according to plan – except, that when I got out of the car,...