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Money, money, money!  Everyone’s talking about it.  Recently I was at a live event, where this topic brought many of the attendees to tears.  Either they weren’t making any, weren’t making enough or under-valuing their services.   Sound familiar?

What’s your story around money?  Are you disappointed or frustrated because you aren’t able to support yourself with your income from worried womanyour business?  Or maybe you haven’t raised your rates in ages?  Do you stumble over the topic of money when having a conversation with prospective clients?

For some of you, you may be very comfortable where you are.  You don’t want to rock the boat and risk your clients getting angry at you (or even worse, leaving you).

But there are some of you, who deep down, want more – want better for yourself.  You have the deep knowing that if a client leaves you, a new client will come in and take that space.  That client will be the right client.  Imagine what you could do with that additional money?  The additional resources you could have and hire.  The ways you could help your family.  The vacations you could take.  How you could give back to your community.

Here are 8 really good ways of determining if it’s time to give yourself a raise.  

  1. You are really over delivering.  You are always giving more value than what was expected.
  2. You offer solutions instead of problems.
  3. You take that extra step.
  4. You do what you say you’re going to do
  5. You deliver what is owed on time and exceeds expectations
  6. Your clients get amazing results – better than they ever could have expected.
  7. You’ve got additional ways that you can help your clients in highly exceptional ways
  8. Your work is super fantastic, tremendous, outstanding and you know it!

Now that you get that first part of it, the difficulty often comes when you’ve got to  talk about money.  Could you sell a $1000 program, a $5000 program, a $10,000 program, a $25,000 program or a $50,000 program?  Would you be able to talk to a prospective client about that or do you get nervous?  Does your throat get dry?  Would that amount get stuck in your throat?  Maybe you think someone else could do that – but not you?

moneywomanRecently, I worked with a very successful coach who commented on the fact that she couldn’t sell a $20,000 coaching program and didn’t know why.  (This is a coach making multi-6 –figures).  The reason I uncovered for her was that she likes her freedom too much and didn’t want to be held that highly accountable if she had a very high-end program.  Maybe that’s you, too?  I cleared that block out for her so she now feels great about new levels of programs and can happily sell them.

If you’re uncomfortable talking about money, then it’s time for you and I have to connect and figure out why that is and what you need to do to change that.  Imagine if you could easily have the “money conversation”.  I’m opening up 5 spots on my calendar over the next month for “Cash Breakthru” Sessions.  To apply, simply fill out this brief survey. http://tinyurl.com/cashbreakthru


Be Brilliant,


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Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert


P.S.  I’m opening up 5 spots on my calendar over the next month for “Cash Breakthru” Sessions.  To apply, simply fill out this brief survey. http://tinyurl.com/cashbreakthru