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“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ~ Anatole France

Did you become a solopreneur because you had a dream of how you want to make a difference ? –  Or you wanted to change the world?  Perhaps to you wanted to help others?  Maybe you have a dream of how your life will be – how you want it to be? 

Logically, your dreams may make sense for you but you may find yourself stuck and often have no idea why.  Your mind is telling you that you can’t write that book (who will read it?), or it would be too scary to speak on stage (people will laugh at you) , there is too much competition to attract new clients (why should they choose you?) , or how can you raise your rates in this economy (that would be impossible) .  Do you feel like you are driving your car with one foot on the brake and one on the accelerator (if you do that, you’ll never get anywhere!)  

Time flies by so fast and often, others, are surprised at all I have accomplished with my business in such a short time.  The truth is,  I’m very action-oriented and that is one of the BIG reasons clients choose to work with me.  I teach them how to get similar results.  

I’d like to share a quick story with you of a very important dream I had for myself.  When I heard the 2010 Tapping World Summit, I was thinking of starting my own business and decided that I wanted to be part of this event.  I think there were over 100,000 listeners worldwide that year.  I set a dream for myself that I would be a presenter in 2011. 


Well, sure enough, I was honored to be asked to be a featured presenter for the 2011 Summit (over 300,000 listeners) and again this year in 2012 (expected 500,000 listeners).  I can’t even begin to tell you how excited and thrilled I am to be part of this event and to know how many people I am helping at one time.  I am so grateful to be part of this amazing experience!  (here’s the link to check out the Summit : 


People are always asking me how I achieve my goals.  I’d like to share three easy – to – implement tips:

  1. Visualize your dream.  Three good ways to do that are either through a vision statement,  vision board or mentally visualize the experience.  (Some people also like to “write” a letter describing that experience to themselves). 
  2. When you visualize your dream, what blocks come up?  What negative beliefs show up around you actually having this dream come true?  Make a list of them and clear those beliefs out.  I highly recommend tapping as it is the fastest and easiest way I know of to help my clients change their mindset.  My clients are amazed at how quickly they let go of old negative thoughts and beliefs and are able to replace them with a more positive, congruent mindset.   I also work with someone to help me clear my blocks out. 
  3. Make a list of the action steps you need to take to make this happen.  For example, if you want to write a book:  make an outline, choose a title, research publishing options, etc…  Set dates of when you will complete those action steps.  Have your coach (or accountability partner ) hold you to those action steps. 
  4. Please post on the page and share your dreams.   One of the first steps of making your dreams a reality is to get it out and into the Universe.

Happy dreaming!