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Everyone’s got a secret addiction…some people sneak food ….some shop and hide what they buy…I am addicted to “The Voice”.  For those of you outside the US, it’s a top rated reality show with relatively unknown singers competing to win the top prize (stardom, record deals, celebrity status and much more).

This is my first time watching the season in full.  I’ve cancelled plans to watch this show.  I’ve stayed up past midnight to watch the judges’ interviews on late night talk shows.  I know I’m going to go through withdrawals when the show ends this week.  Ah, but it has been so worth it.

There are so many reasons I am addicted to this show.  I’ve gotten attached to certain contestants and their stories.  The judges (Adam, Usher, Shakira and Blake) are entertaining and so fun to watch. Each judge is my favorite 🙂  The talent on the show has been amazing.  One is a 16 year old who sings as if she’s been doing this all of her life and has the confidence and stage presence of a seasoned artist.  There’s lots of fancy costumes and sets with Hollywood/Las Vegas style glitz.  One night, I confess that I even voted (using all 10 votes that I’m allowed). I got so caught up with the show.  Although, the truth is I would like them all to win.

One of my favorite parts of the show is watching the strategic side of the talent being developed as it reminds me so much of my coaching work with my clients.

I’d like to share with you what I learned and saw.  I believe you’ll find it helpful with your own business success:

1).  The importance of having your own style and being authentic.  The world doesn’t need another Adele or Michael Buble, but the world does need you and your special gifts.  I find that the more authentic I am, the more ideal clients I attract.

2)  How valuable it is to work closely with coaches/mentors who’ve been through the trenches but understand what it takes to be successful.  That’s one of the keys for every successful entrepreneur I’ve ever met.

3) Lots of support is necessary from others to elevate success.  Usher, one of the coaches, even went as far as to wear similar eyeglasses that his contestant wore.   He had Taylor Swift and other stars there to promote his contestant, too.  Usher has turned his contestant’s efforts into a mission to promote individuality.  Who wouldn’t want their coach and affiliates to believe in them and promote them in the same way?

4) Watching the contestants’ confidence develop each week as they become better and better at their craft.   The ones that made it through each grueling round became more and more unstoppable.  This is so similar to an entrepreneurs journey.  Instead of an entrepreneur being “voted off” the show, 70% of all small businesses fail in the first year and in 10 years time; only 5% will still be around).

5) The best contestants are willing to do whatever it takes to have their dream come true.   That’s what I did – failure was (is) not an option.  That’s a trait I’ve also seen in many that I admire.

6) What a difference it makes to have raving fans who are eager to praise and celebrate you.  It’s wonderful to have clients sing our praises and send us lots of referrals.

7) Most importantly, what I saw is that talent isn’t all that’s needed to be the “winner“. All of the above I listed were needed to get the contestants this far.  Without those components, they would have been voted off of the show long ago.   How many people you know who have loads of certifications but have non-profitable or unsatisfying businesses?

If these values resonate with you, I invite you to apply for one of the 7 Discovery Sessions I have opened up on my schedule. 

During this 25-minute breakthrough session ($300 value), here’s what we’ll uncover:

1)   What is it that you really, really want?

2)   What’s in the way of you being “unstoppable”?

3)   How to be more authentic so you are able to attract ideal clients and amazing opportunities into your business?

4)   What you need to do to have success on your own terms?


To apply, simply click on this link  , answer a few questions  reply by Sunday, June 23,2013.

Be Brilliant,





Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert
