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clientsThere are so many ways of advertising your business and they all come with different price tags.  It could be flyers, ads in newspapers/websites, sponsorships.  There are hundreds of ways to do this.   I want to share the best one  (and my favorite) with you – and it doesn’t cost a cent!  (Really!)

I was at an event a few nights ago where I easily got a few new clients.   What resulted couldn’t have gone any better if I had planned it myself (which I didn’t).  A few of my clients happened to be at this event, and they raved about me to all of the attendees.  Truthfully, my clients were the most confident, glowing, focused,  self-assured and happiest looking of all of the attendees.  (Between you and me, I was so damn proud of my clients).  Everyone in the room wanted what they had.   Think about it – aren’t your clients your best form of advertising?   They’re thrilled with your work together and they sing your praises.

Sure, it’s great when we share our “elevator speech” and talk about who we are.  We can talk about all of our accolades and share our own story.   That helps the listener get a frame of reference and testimonialsalso “vets”  (or legitimatize) us.  Those things need to be said, but that’s not typically going to be the fastest way for someone to be immediately drawn to you and say “yes“.

Here are a few action steps to get you started:

1)   Ask your past and present clients for testimonials.  If they’re too busy to write one, here’s my secret.  Offer to write the testimonial for them and they can edit it).

2)   Ask your past and present clients for referrals  (Do they have any friends who could benefit from your services?)

3)   Ask you clients to give testimonials at your events (I do that at mine and I believe it’s one of the deciding factors to help the attendees make a decision).

ravingfansI know for some of you, you’ll be able to “run” with these ideas.  Some of you may feel a bit uncomfortable asking your clients for their help.   Maybe you don’t want to “bother “ them.  If you’d like help with either these actions steps or learning what the next steps are to get prospective clients to say “yes“, I’d like to invite you to apply for a complimentary Discovery Session.



Be Brilliant,

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Kate Beeders, Mindset & Marketing Expert
