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Season 3 of Downton Abbey on Masterpiece Theatre is starting in the U.S. this  Sunday.  It is one of the hottest, most popular television shows on.  If you haven’t seen it, basically, it takes place in England, around the time of World War 1, and involves the stories between an aristocratic family and their servants.  I am just fascinated with this show and find it very entertaining (and I think the men are better looking than the women 😀  )

I happened to hear an interview on the radio with some of the cast members and some of the things they said really applied to what many solopreneurs go through as they try to grow their business and deal with their mindset.   As the war ends on the show, the cast members are dealing with changes in their world.  They must decide how and if their lives will change.

During the radio interview, one cast member said “A static situation is a secure situation” …another commented “Nowadays the possibilities of what a person can achieve are endless because there are so many options and so many things available.  But during the time period of the show, people were expected to act and think a certain way, less choices but it made it easier for them”

Wow!  When I heard that, I thought about how many solopreneurs I’ve met and worked with who as much as they want to up-level their business are so much more comfortable staying where they are.  Change is scary, but if you want to grow your business, fears can hold you back no matter what level your business is at. 

Do any of these thoughts pop-up when you think about growing your business?

–       I’ll have to work too hard?

–       I won’t have any free time?

–       What if it doesn’t work out?

–       What if I don’t like it?

–       What if others don’t like or resent me?

      I don’t think I can do it

–      I can’t do it in this economy

–     Or other fears and doubts? 


Those negative thoughts are much more powerful than your positive thoughts and they can stop you dead in your tracks from moving forward.  Here are 3 Success Tips to help you get into action:


1)   Look at where you want to go and where you want to be.  Is it a realistic jump?  If you have too many fears about your goal, try to make it a smaller leap when you first start.  For example, instead of deciding you want to have 20 more clients, lower that number to 10, and start becoming comfortable with that growth first.

2)   Make a list of other times in your life  (whether work or personal) when you have gotten out of your comfort zone and things have worked successfully for you.  If things didn’t work out for you, is there something you might do differently if you could do it again?

3)   Make a list of all of your fears and start addressing them and clearing them out.  I find that this works best when you work an expert as you will be able to clear them out much faster than on your own.  If you’d like help with that so you can FINALLY get on track to up-level your business this year, sign up for a Success Acceleration Session .  

Because I’m all about fast action and fast results  (that’s from my many years working in Business Development in the Corporate World) , sign up by January 13 and use this coupon to save $100.  ” SAS100NOW ” 

Be Brilliant,




Mindset & Marketing Expert
