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What would you do with a Quick Cash Infusion?   This was a question I posed recently to solopreneurs who signed up for my Brand-New Call :  “How to Have a Quick Cash Infusion”. 


People responded that they would use that money to pay bills, hire additional resources for their business, take additional courses, vacations, and medical expenses for themselves or their family.  Also, another common response was that the money earned would be a measure of their success and that would raise their confidence.  Hardly anyone responded that they would use this Quick Cash Infusion for luxuries, everyone talked about needing it for necessities. 

The answers didn’t surprise me – I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.  It does show me that so many solopreneurs are still really struggling to become successful in business. 

Have you seen the latest statistics about this:

  • Over 6 million business start every year
  • 95% fail in first year
  • Of those remaining, 80% fail in the next 3 years
  • In 10 years, only 4% of the businesses that started will still be around.
  • only 5% of entrepreneurs make over 100,000 a year
  • 95% DON’T!

That means that you have a lot of work to do if you want to get your expertise out in a big way and have a successful business

Listen to my new call where I share my formula on “How to Have a Quick Cash Infusion” – http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=29479683

Please post below and let me know what you would do with your Quick Cash Infusion