Did you see the movie a few years ago “Wonder Woman” with Galit Gadot? I didn’t expect to love it as much as I did as superhero movies aren’t my thing. However, I loved watching the main character “Wonder Woman” come into and use her power.
I think we all need a reminder, kick in the pants, or tap on the shoulder when we’re playing it small. That’s because we get so used to how we’re doing things that often we’re not even aware we’re playing it small. We’ve become accustomed to how we do things and don’t realize there could be a better way.
Why do you want to step into your power? Here are only a few of the reasons:
- Deliberately create the life you desire (instead of watching the days fly by)
- Set boundaries in your daily life (instead of giving yourself away)
- Charge/earn what you’re worth (instead of undervaluing yourself)
- Ask for what you need (instead of trying to take it all on)
- Swim in your own lane (instead of worrying about what others are doing)
- Have clarity of what you really want and why it’s important to you (instead of getting caught up with BSOS)
- Become recognized as the leader and expert that you are (instead of getting pushed under the rug)
- What else can you name that would happen as you step into your own power?
Let’s start your transformation today. Here are three ways to step into your power.
- Do you have boundaries? Are you able to say “no” and mean it? Or do you give in to anyone who asks for anything? How do you feel afterward? Do you feel about helping or do you feel trapped? If you’re not feeling good about it, then it’s time to take action to change your response. An easy way to switch that out is to take a deep breath before responding, so you don’t go into your auto-pilot response of yes.
- What are you telling you about you? In other words, are you a big cheerleader for yourself or are you always finding fault in the things you do? As you pay attention and notice the negative things you are saying to yourself, how can you change those words? What would you rather say to yourself instead? Take deliberate action and use those new phrases. For a compelling way of doing that, say those phrases aloud to yourself in front of the mirror. It may feel a little (or a lot) weird initially, but if you stick with it, you’ll notice huge transformations in the days to come.
- The last way I’d like to share with you involves music. Find that song that you love. It could be one from your childhood (or even before) or something brand new. When you play it and sing along (singing along is required) it just makes you feel that you can take on anything. My latest favorite is an oldie (“I Am Woman” by Helen Reddy). Some people like “Happy” by Pharrel Williams…or “Simply The Best” by Tina Turner. Find your song and play it loud. Play it over and over until you become it.
If you put all three of the above actions into play, you will notice (faster than you expected) that you are stepping into your power. Try it and let me know what happens.
Before you go, I’m going to be diving deep into this topic at my upcoming event. Ask For It LIVE™. Learn more by clicking here.
Be Brilliant,
Kate Beeders, The Breakthrough Success Expert and Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™
Tap into Your Zone of Brilliance and Breakthrough Your Financial Glass Ceiling
Check out my newly released book “Go or Don’t Go: The Complete Guide to Accelerate Your Success and Tap into Your Brilliance”
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