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In a Facebook group I belong to, a member had posted that she was feeling blue and in a funk over the last few weeks and wasn’t sure how to get out of it.  She was looking for suggestions and got responses, such as go to the gym, go for a walk and the like.  Those suggestions are only band-aids and won’t help you in the long run get to where you want to be. 

It’s actually quite common for entrepreneurs to feel blue – especially this time of year.  Those feeling may show up as:  discouragement, less energy, procrastination and overeating and overspending.   

If you prefer, click here to listen to the audio (Episode 39) of this training.

Here are a few reasons why:

  • The days are shorter so we have less sunshine.  Sunshine makes us happy, grey days make our moods grey. So, it makes sense that you won’t feel as happy as you do the rest of the year.  (hint:  this is a really great time to go somewhere sunny and escape the “grey”) 
  • You’re looking at where your income is and realizing that it’s not what you had hoped for and there’s only a few weeks left before 2017 ends.  You know that there’s no way you can possibly reach that goal you had set for yourself and often that leads to feelings of being a failure.  (I’m not saying you are a failure- however, our minds often going from A to Z, creating that assumption).  You become your own worst enemy!

Actions such as going to the gym or for a walk will temporarily make you feel a bit better, but ultimately, you’ll keep going back to feeling blue.  When you’re feeling “down”, it’s hard to take the necessary action, feel creative or make the best decisions for you.  

I want to help you make permanent changes.  

Here are 5 key action steps to help you shift out of those blue feeling today:

  1. Review your vision statement today.  Is it still aligned with what you want to create in your life?  If not, make the edits so it feels good.  (No one is keeping score.  If you haven’t written your vision statement, write one today).  
  2. Spend a few minutes day-dreaming on what that life would feel like once you are living that vision.  Where would you be living?  Who would you be with?  What would you be doing?  How would you be spending your days?  What would you look like?
  3. Write down that new version of your life.  Read it out loud and really get into that feeling of excitement.  Post this vision in a place that you can see it often during the day.
  4. If any fears or doubts start to pop-up, write those down on a different piece of paper.  Remind yourself that these are just words of thoughts you have.  Thoughts can be changed and released.  
  5. Plan daily, weekly and monthly action to keep you moving towards reaching your vision.  What action are you taking today to stay on track?  
  6. Repeat this on a daily basis.  I recommend looking at your vision statement first thing every morning so you focus on where you want to go.  

Two warnings for you:  

  1. Make sure your vision is aligned with what you want to create.  I’ve said this before and it’s so important.  Release any “shoulds”.  Do you believe you deserve this?  If you don’t…you’ll never reach it! 
  2. Make sure you’ve got the appropriate action that will help you reach your goal.  Often, people are unrealistic about what type of action needs to be taken on a consistent basis.  The action is often taken in spurts and then abandoned.   Also, the wrong type of action is being taken.  

Want to make sure you’re on track for 2018?  If you’re serious about hiring a mentor, let’s have a conversation to see what’s missing from you having an amazingly successful year, where “blue” is the color of the beautiful sky- not how you’re feeling.  Simply email my team at Info@KateBeeders.com and let’s set up a time to talk.  

Be Brilliant,

Kate Beeders, Founder of BRILLIANCE Builders™

Tap into Your Zone of Brilliance and Breakthrough Your Financial Glass Ceiling

P.S.  It’s so critical to have both your action steps and mindset in the right place to have the success you deserve.  

P.P.S.  If you prefer, listen to the audio (Episode 39) of this training.