Hmmm…I’ll bet you’d like me to wave a magic wand and have “sales conversations be gone forever”. But that’s like sticking your head in the sand and pretending something doesn’t exist. Ultimately, no matter what tricks you have up your sleeve, you have to learn to master sales conversations if you want to increase your income. Otherwise, all of your efforts will be for naught if you can’t get your community to say “yes” to you.
Here’s my “Top 10 Ways To Avoid Sales Conversations” created especially for you. Having been in business for myself for a long time, I’ve tried all of them. How many do you find yourself doing to avoid sales conversations?
#10: Get More Certifications: There’s always another certification that can be pursued. Especially, if you believe that this new “certification” will make you even better at what you do. This is a false premise making you believe you are not enough. And it’s a distraction. Certifications take a lot of time, energy and money and stop you from focusing on what is really needed…getting more clients. Go for more certifications only when you have your foundational income coming in.
#9. Be An Online Surfer: This is the entrepreneur who’s always checking out what’s going on online. Reading all of the posts, watching the videos, downloading lots of free stuff and trying to keep up with the Jones. Where does it get you? You know what the others are up to…but what about your own business? Are you at the level you want to be? Or are you dealing with lots of “envy” while you compare yourself to others?
#8: Get JV Partners: Partners are great! I love my JV Partners and appreciate all that they do. But having JV’s won’t avoid sales conversations. It actually creates additional sales conversations. The first conversation will be to sell someone to be a JV Partner for you. You’ll have to make them believe in what you’re offering and that it will be of service to their community. The second conversation is directly to their community’s members explaining why they need to “buy” from “you”. Many will not even know you and wonder why they should trust you.
#7: Write a book: Isn’t it interesting how most entrepreneurs want to write a book and tell their story. Most authors these days are self-publishing and aren’t making money from their books. The book is a great platform to bring more people into your community and opens a door for them to know you. Ultimately, however, you will still need to sell them on you and your products and services.
#6: Become a speaker: Just like #7, everyone wants to be a speaker. Truthfully, there aren’t as many speaking gigs as there used to be. I’ve been fortunate to have been invited to speak on main stages across North America but it’s not as easy as years ago. I encourage you to get your word out and look for those speaking gigs. Realize, again, you will ultimately need to master sales conversations (whether selling from the stage or individually) to get people to buy from you. There’s nothing worse than having people tell you at the end of the presentation how great it was…but no one buys.
#5: Be interviewed: This is so much fun because you get to talk about “you” and your work. However, there’s so much noise out there that unless you have a truly loyal following, how many people are actually hearing your interview? I had a radio show when I first started my business that was actually broadcasted from a real radio station with a producer and a mic that went “red” when we’d go “live”. I had well-known guests like Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch, Bruce Lipton, Marci Shimoff, Ali Brown and so many more. I was also interviewed many times, too. Truthfully, I did it more for the exposure and less for the financial return.
#4: Hire someone to sell for you: Great sales people are expensive. Great sales people want proven sales funnels. You also want your sales person to understand who you are and what your brilliance is. Otherwise, too often they are over-promising and under-delivering and that can turn into a mess. You lose your integrity which is difficult to get back. I always suggest, learn to master sales first, then hire someone(s) to duplicate what you’re doing. You’ll get the best results.
#3. Plan on mastering sales in the future: What are you going to do? Circle a random date on your calendar and say “this is the date”. You and I both know that you’re kidding yourself if you think that will happen. What are you going to do in the meantime? Mastering sales is where it all begins. Write your book, get your certifications, become a speaker…do all of that stuff AFTER you have learned to master sales. Are you willing to wait to make money? Are you willing to wait to serve more clients? The choice is yours. It’s all about personal responsibility. Imagine how much more powerful you will be in all of your actions when you are able to squarely meet sales conversations and not avoid it.
#2. Offer discounts, trades or give it away: This was where I “lived” in the beginning of my business. I was so uncomfortable with selling “myself” and getting rejected that I gave away my services before it could even happen. The problem was that as a sole-income earner, if I wasn’t making money, I could lose my home. That’s not a good place to be. Also, using this method to get new clients lowers your self-confidence and ultimately, can make you feel angry and under-appreciated. Especially, when you see your clients who have told you that they couldn’t afford you, go on a vacation to get away. Or, the resentment you feel when you see the great results you brought a client, yet they didn’t pay even close to full price. I could only do that for so long until I realized I wouldn’t be able to survive much longer. This is a really horrible way to avoid mastering sales.
#1: Declare that you don’t care about the money and don’t have sales conversations: Seriously??? I know that there are some of you out there. It’s time for you to take your power back and show up in your full brilliance. Enough said! That’s why it may seem safer for you to stay in creative mode than ever have to ask for the sale.
But, (and here’s another big “but”)…what if the person says “yes!”. Wouldn’t that change things for you?
You’ll never know until you go out and sell.
I’m not a fortune teller. I do know for sure that if you don’t go out and sell, you definitely won’t make more money or get clients.
Your prospective clients don’t have ESP and until you ask for the sale, they’ll never know about this new amazing thing you’ve come out with.
Go out and sell.
If the thought of sales is still freaking you out and you’d like to learn to master this very important part of your business, apply for a complimentary breakthrough session with me
Be Brilliant,
P.S. If you have any questions or would like to work with me privately, email us at [email protected] and we’ll set up at time to talk.