Did you know that ignoring something or someone doesn’t erase the problem?
Sometimes we think it doesn’t affect our life if we don’t “complain” about something. That’s incorrect. These big and small things we face regularly add to our stress level and affect our happiness and success.
I had a small Lucite organizer in my bathroom in one of the vanity drawers for my makeup. The problem was it didn’t fit correctly and was always jamming the drawer. I figured I shouldn’t worry about it because it was something small. However, I was faced with dealing with this disruptive organizer every day. Finally, I said enough is enough, bought a better-fitting organizer and threw that one out. Problem solved for under $15.00
Every day, we’re dealing with tolerations. Sometimes it’s material things, like my example, a door that sticks, the window won’t open, the zipper doesn’t work, or something similar.
Other times, it’s intangible. For example, it could be how someone treats you disrespectfully. You don’t say anything because either you think “it’s not that big a deal” or “you’re not sure what to say” or you “don’t want that person to get mad at you.” Either way, you’re putting up with tolerations longer than you should.
If you’re ready to change the quality of your life, here’s what you want to do:
1. Set some time aside today and make a list of 20 tolerations in your life.
2. Prioritize the items listed.
3. Put a date next to each one when you’ll act to make that change.
4. Start with the first toleration and put together a plan.
5. As you eliminate each toleration, have a celebration.
6. When your entire list is taken care of, throw yourself a party.
7. Create a new list of 20 tolerations in your life. Repeat the above steps.
You’ll notice that you feel lighter and happier every time you cross one of your tolerations off your list. That’s because you’re getting rid of the icky stuff weighing you down.
When you’re ready for those big transformations, reach out. My favorite methods for faster results are mindset techniques (tapping, neuroscience, and other resources I’m an expert in) and the appropriate strategies.
Be Brilliant,

International Speaker | Best-Selling Author |
Breakthrough Success Expert | Leading Mindset Expert | Award-Winning Strategist | Private Coaching
P.P.S. Have you checked out all of the FREE RESOURCES available for you to help you show up in your brilliance? There are meditations, tapping videos, training, and much more!
P.P.P.S. A portion of my profits is going to animal advocacy. If you’re a dog lover, please check out The Forever Cali Project. There are lots of great, free resources for you!
Photo by Akbar Nemati on Unsplash